NCS Installs New SHARES Antenna to Enhance High Frequency Emergency Radio

A communications worker with U.S. Tower Services begins to disassemble the old Shared Resources (SHARES) High Frequency Radio antenna after workers removed the fixture from its tower in Arlington last weekend.  Workers mounted a newer, larger antennae to the tower, which will provide the National Communications System better SHARES radio coverage during emergency response events.Arlington, VA. October 08, 2008 - A new antenna – installed last weekend in Arlington -- will improve high frequency radio operations for one of the National Communications System’s (NCS) priority communications programs, allowing the NCS to better monitor and participate in backup emergency radio communications in the event of national emergencies.

From October 3-5, communications workers removed the old Shared Resources (SHARES) High Frequency Radio Program antenna from its tower site off of South Courthouse Road, and replaced the ice-damaged antenna with a larger antenna system.

Workers with U.S. Tower Services mount the new Shared Resources (SHARES) High Frequency Radio antenna on top of its 125-foot tower structure last weekend in Arlington.  The newer, longer SHARES antenna will provide the National Communications System better SHARES radio coverage during emergency response events.Using a crane, construction workers lifted and installed the 1,600-pound antenna fixture into place last Sunday. The new antenna – measuring 65-feet in length and 86-feet in breadth – replaces a smaller model that has lasted about 12 years. Larry Hazzard, who leads SHARES operations with the NCS Critical Infrastructure Protection Branch, said he anticipates that the larger antenna will yield better performance with improved gain and directivity.

Hazzard said the installation went without problems and that the NCS will be completing two important steps before the new SHARES antenna resumes full operations. “We need to first complete the required RF (radio frequency) sweep tests to ensure the new unit performs to specifications,” said Hazzard. Once that is complete, he added that the NCS needs to install new remote circuits from the NCS’s Arlington operations center/radio room to the tower site so the NCS can obtain full remote capabilities to the new antenna.
SHARES is a 20-year NCS program that combines the talents and resources of over 1,400 Federal radio operators located through the United States and overseas. Its mission is to provide high frequency emergency radio communications to Federal leaders and associated emergency response organizations should a national disaster disable standard communications resources.

Recently, SHARES operators stood ready to respond to Federal Government needs during the Hurricanes Gustav and Ike, activating to its highest levels before, during and after each landfall.

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