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Appliance Tips

1 Maintain the right temperature in your refrigerator and freezer. Refrigerators can use up to 20 percent of the total electricity in your home. The refrigerator should be set between 38ºF (3ºC) and 42ºF (6ºC). The freezer should be set between 0ºF (-31ºC) and 5ºF (-26ºC).
2 Keep them full. A full refrigerator takes less energy than an empty one. Fill extra space with gallon jugs of water placed in the back of both the freezer and refrigerator.
3 Clean the condenser coils. Dust and pet hair can build up and cause the refrigerator motor to work harder. Clean them at least twice a year. The coils are located on the bottom or the back side of most models.
4 The doors should close tightly and stay closed. Check the seals for cracks or worn areas. If there are any, replace them.
5 Open the refrigerator door as little as possible. Every time the door opens, warm air rushes in.
6 Let food cool. Don't place hot or even warm food directly inside the refrigerator. Let it cool first.
7 Always cover everything. Humidity escapes from uncovered foods. The compressor must work harder to remove the excess humidity.
8 Defrost food in the refrigerator. Instead of defrosting food on the counter where it may spoil, place it in the refrigerator 24 hours before you need it. This will help keep the temperature down in the refrigerator while it thaws.
9 Replace appliances with energy-efficient models. When old models wear out, replace them with appliances that have earned the Energy Star label.
10 Use microwaves for most cooking. A microwave does small and medium cooking jobs more efficiently than an oven or range top.
11 Choose the right pan for the job. When using the range top, remember to match the pan with the similar sized heating element.
12 Use all appliances wisely. TVs, radios, computers and vacuum cleaners use relatively small amounts of electricity. But they add up. Don't leave on appliances when they are not in use.
13 Wash only full loads in the dishwasher.
14 Wash clothes in cold water. Use cold temperature detergents, and always have a full load. Also, 15 minutes of presoaking and 5 minutes of agitation get clothes cleaner than 15 minutes of agitation.
15 Don't over-dry clothes in the dryer. Consider using drying clothes racks in the house or resurrect grandmother's clothesline outside during nice weather.

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     Page last modified on Monday March 21, 2005.