Southern Nevada Public Land Management Act (SNPLMA)
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The Implementation Agreement was first developed for the SNPLMA in 1999 by a team of representatives from the BLM, FWS, FS, and NPS. The purpose of the agreement was to address how the Federal agencies could work together to implement the portions of the SNPLMA that require coordination both within the Department of the Interior and between the Department of the Interior and the Department of Agriculture. The team also addressed the requirements related to coordination and consultation with the State of Nevada, local governments, and interested parties. The team assembled a document, entitled The Federal Partners Charter, which outlined a collaborative process for developing a recommendation for the Secretary of the Interior regarding the SNPLMA Special Account expenditures. The Federal Partners Charter was executed to produce the Round 1 Recommendation for the expenditure of the SNPLMA Special Account. The lessons learned in executing the process have proven valuable in modifying certain terms of the Charter in order to make the process more efficient and effective. A continuous improvement approach was adopted, and the Charter, renamed The Southern Nevada Public Land Management Act (SNPLMA) Implementation Agreement in May 2000, has been revised on an annual basis.

This Implementation Agreement is expected to continue to evolve during the life of the Acts. Maintenance of the Implementation Agreement is the responsibility of the Partners Working Group. BLM will prepare draft revisions based on processes put into place with the Executive Committee since the previous version was approved, SNPLMA Division recommendations, Executive Committee decisions regarding changes in policy, comments and suggestions from Federal managers and SNPLMA Subgroup members, and Working Group recommendations. The BLM will distribute the draft revisions for review and comment by the subgroups and others involved in implementation of the Acts. A final draft approved by the Working Group will be submitted to the Executive Committee. All proposed changes must be approved by the Executive Committee before they take effect except those effective as of the date of prior Executive Committee decisions.

→       Implementation Agreement

→       Process Flow Chart

Last updated: 07-22-2008