ED Seal

The Plan
No Child Left Behind

Albuquerque, NM
Orlando, FL
Atlanta, GA
Raleigh, NC
Nashville, TN
Kansas City, MO
Washington, DC
Long Beach, CA
San Diego, CA
Denver, CO
Little Rock, AR

   Back to School, Moving Forward
    What No Child Left Behind Means for Parents, Schools and Communities

Back to School, Moving Forward

A r c h i v e d  I n f o r m a t i o n

President George W. Bush has made strengthening our schools his highest priority. He introduced a bold plan that calls for our states to set clear academic standards and develop annual assessments to measure our schools' and our students' progress. He wants to reward success and identify and help those schools and students who need it most. With this plan he seeks to ensure that all Americans—parents, educators, and community leaders—work together to make sure that no child is left behind in a failing school.

President Bush kicked off the 2001-02 school year by highlighting what his plan, No Child Left Behind, means for America's families, schools and communities.

For two weeks, Secretary Paige is traveling across the country—from Orlando, Florida, to San Diego, California—to meet with America's students, parents, educators, and community and civic leaders to outline the details of No Child Left Behind and to engage Americans in conversation about how we can make sure every child in America receives a quality education.

During the Back to School, Moving Forward tour, Secretary Paige is talking about the importance of high standards and quality assessments to measure students' and schools' progress and describe the culture of accountability that we are hoping to build in schools throughout the nation. He is addressing the critical role that educators play in our children's lives. And, he is seeking the support of business and civic leaders who play a vital role in the education of our youth.

As part of this year's back-to-school activities, the U.S. Department of Education has created three publications that explain President Bush's reform plans and what they will mean for families, educators and communities. Copies of these publications can be found on this Web site, or you can call 1-800-USA-LEARN to order copies.

Please join President Bush, Secretary Paige, your schools and your communities in achieving the goal of providing every child in this country access to a quality education at all levels.

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Last updated—December 17, 2004 (jer)

Secretary Paige's Back-to-School Address


What No Child Left Behind means for:
 •  Families
 •  Familias Spanish
 •  Teachers
 •  Communities


More event photos

Photo of Secretary Paige delivering the Back-to-School Address
Secretary Paige delivering the Back-to-School Address, National Press Club, Washington, DC

Photo of Secretary Paige with Students
Secretary Paige with students, Parklane Elementary School, East Point, GA

Photo of Secretary Rod Paige with students
Photo of Secretary Rod Paige with students, Lancaster Elementary, Orlando, FL

Photo of President Bush
President Bush at Griegos Elementary School, Albuquerque, NM