New National Report Card Results
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July 14, 2005

Secretary of Education Margaret Spellings reacts to the "proof that No Child Left Behind is working" in the latest results of the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP).

Clip #1:   ListenStream (:08)
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Transcript: I'm very encouraged by the results of the National Assessment of Educational Progress. I think it shows that we're most definitely on the right track.

Clip #2:   ListenStream (:14)
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Transcript: And especially encouraging with respect to the achievement gap. Hispanic and African-American students are fairing particularly well, even as our student body becomes more and more diverse across the country. So it's really, really very encouraging news.

Clip #3:   ListenStream (:15)
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Transcript: We've put the policy elements in place, clearly, we've asked states to establish standards, annual measurement systems, disaggregated data, we've invested resources around the early grades and we're getting results. And I think it's very much attributable to No Child Left Behind.

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Last Modified: 06/29/2006