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Victims’ Rights & Services

The following information resources may offer victim assistance information, research findings, educational materials, or strategies for program and policy development specific to this topic. A general listing of all OVC publications is also available.

The Crime Victim’s Right To Be Present (January 2002)
Third in the OVC Legal Series, this bulletin (NCJ 189187) provides an overview of state laws addressing the rights of victims to attend criminal justice proceedings, particularly trials, and how their presence might affect the rights of defendants.

Enforcement of Protective Orders (January 2002)
Fourth in the OVC Legal Series, this bulletin (NCJ 189190) provides an overview of state laws and issues related to the enforcement of protective orders.

A Multimedia Program for Physically Injured Crime Victims (April 2006)
This multimedia program offers victims an educational DVD (NCJ 213709), brochure (BC 000728), and bulletin (NCJ 212974) for use during their hospitalization for crime-related injuries. The program provides victims of violent crime with information about emotional responses to victimization, elements of medical follow-up, physical rehabilitation processes, and the criminal justice system. Also available in other languages.

A Multimedia Program To Improve Criminal Justice System Participation and Reduce Distress Among Physically Injured Crime Victims (April 2006)
This OVC Bulletin (NCJ 212974) is a component of A Multimedia Program for Physically Injured Crime Victims. The bulletin outlines the theories and research that led to the creation of a DVD and brochure designed to inform physically injured crime victims about the recovery process and their rights in the criminal justice system. Also available in other languages.

National Crime Victims’ Rights Week Resource Guide (January 2008)
This guide (NCJ 220102) was developed to help communities and victim assistance providers promote awareness of crime victim issues and help commemorate National Crime Victims’ Rights Week (NCVRW) held each year in April. The guide features tips for working with the media, customizable public awareness materials, a theme DVD, and more.

National Victim Assistance Academy 2002
This OVC textbook (NCJ 197109) is an overview of the National Victim Assistance Academy, the university-based, foundation-level course in victim assistance and victimology. This rigorous, 45-hour academic curriculum emphasizes foundations in victimology, victims’ rights and services, and new developments in the field of victim assistance. e-only icon

New Directions from the Field: Law Enforcement (August 1998)
This OVC bulletin (NCJ 172813) is a reprint of chapter 2 from New Directions and deals specifically with promising practices and recommendations related to law enforcement.
ASCII (66 kb) or PDF (171 kb)

New Directions from the Field: Victims’ Rights (August 1998)
This OVC bulletin (NCJ 172812) is a reprint of chapter 1 from New Directions and deals specifically with promising practices and recommendations related to victims’ rights.
ASCII (96 kb) or PDF (220 kb)

Ordering Restitution to the Crime Victim (November 2002)
Sixth in the OVC Legal Series, this bulletin (NCJ 189189) provides an overview of state laws addressing the rights of victims to receive court-ordered restitution from offenders in criminal cases.

OVC Help Series (March 2002)
The OVC Help Series (BC 000669) is a set of 10 brochures that address 8 categories of crime victimization: assault, child abuse, domestic violence, drunk driving, homicide, robbery, sexual assault, and stalking. Each brochure includes an overview of general crime facts, a description of what victims may experience, and suggestions for how to seek help. The brochures are intended to supplement the information victim service providers can offer and to give victims a resource they can easily refer to in a crisis. Also available in other languages. e-only icon

OVC National Directory of Victim Assistance Funding Opportunities 2001 (September 2001)
This OVC resource directory (NCJ 189218) lists by state and territory the contact names and information for federally funded crime victim assistance programs and includes particulars on grant programs that help state and local agencies prepare for and respond to incidents of domestic terrorism and criminal mass casualty. e-only icon

Privacy of Victims’ Counseling Communications (November 2002)
Eighth in the OVC Legal Series, this bulletin (NCJ 192264) provides an overview of state laws and issues related to the privacy of communications between victims and their counselors.

Reporting School Violence (January 2002)
Second in the OVC Legal Series, this bulletin (NCJ 189191) provides an overview of state laws enacted in recent years to address violence in U.S. schools.

Responding to Terrorism Victims: Oklahoma City and Beyond (October 2000)
This OVC report (NCJ 183949) identifies special measures needed to protect the rights and meet the needs of victims of large-scale terrorist attacks involving mass casualties based on lessons learned from the Oklahoma City bombing and other mass casualty events.

Restitution: Making It Work (November 2002)
Fifth in the OVC Legal Series, this bulletin (NCJ 189193) provides an overview of state legislation and issues related to the collection of court-ordered restitution to crime victims.

Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner (SANE) Programs: Improving the Community Response to Sexual Assault Victims (April 2001)
This OVC bulletin (NCJ 186366) provides an overview of Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner (SANE) programs and their contributions to improving community response to sexual assault victims, identifies promising practices in such programs, and provides practical guidelines for establishing a SANE program. e-only icon

Strengthening Antistalking Statutes (January 2002)
First in the OVC Legal Series, this bulletin (NCJ 189192) provides an overview of state legislation and issues related to stalking.

Subgrantees’ Training Guide: Victims of Crime Act, Victim Assistance Grant Program (September 1999)
This OVC training guide (NCJ 175717) provides technical assistance to victim service organizations funded by the Victims of Crime Act (VOCA) in three areas: developing human resources, managing money and fundraising, and adhering to VOCA victim assistance grant guidelines. e-only icon
ASCII (93 kb) or PDF (309 kb)

Understanding DNA Evidence: A Guide for Victim Service Providers
This OVC bulletin (NCJ 185690) and brochure (BC 000657) offer victim service providers an understanding of how DNA testing may be used in victims’ cases, the process and procedures used, and the potential outcomes from the test.
Bulletin (April 2001): HTML, ASCII (14 kb), or PDF (573 kb)
Brochure (May 2001): ASCII (14 kb) or PDF (360 kb)

Victim Input Into Plea Agreements (November 2002)
Seventh in the OVC Legal Series, this bulletin (NCJ 189188) provides an overview of state laws addressing the rights of victims to be involved during plea negotiations in criminal cases.

Victims of Crime-A Social Work Response: Building Skills To Strengthen Survivors (April 2006)
Social workers and students can learn about crime victim assistance and victims' rights and services by accessing this new kit of training materials. Materials include trainer and participant manuals, a discussion guide, and other resources. e-only icon

Victims’ Rights Compliance Efforts: Experiences in Three States (December 2004)
This OVC bulletin (NCJ 167241) describes the elements of a victims’ rights compliance office and the experiences of victims’ rights compliance efforts in Colorado, Wisconsin, and Minnesota. e-only icon

Victims’ Rights Compliance Efforts: Experiences in Three States (1998)
This OVC report (NCJ 168099) analyzes the elements of the victims’ rights compliance enforcement programs in Colorado, Minnesota, and Wisconsin based on a variety of data collection techniques, including an analysis of relevant victims’ rights laws and constitutional provisions and interviews with involved officials. e-only icon
PDF only (611 kb)

What You Can Do If You Are a Victim of Crime (November 2005)
This brochure (BC 000713) highlights victims’ rights and the compensation and assistance programs available to help victims pay for certain expenses and deal with trauma. It also lists national organizations that can help victims seek information or get referrals. Also available in other languages.

Working with Victims of Crime with Disabilities (September 1998)
This bulletin (NCJ 172838) presents recommendations on improving services to crime victims with disabilities, based on discussion at an OVC-funded 2-day symposium of victim assistance providers and related professionals. The bulletin identifies issues, service gaps, and barriers to access; recommends needed changes; and spotlights successful programs and promising practices that reach and serve crime victims with disabling conditions. e-only icon
HTML, ASCII (90 kb), or PDF (163 kb)


This document was last updated on August 07, 2008