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Resource Guide for Serving U.S. Citizens Victimized Abroad
Publication Date:  April 2008
Victim Services: An International Outlook
minus iconResponding to Victimization Abroad
minus iconCoordinating Victim Services
minus iconIf the Victim Remains Abroad
minus iconIf the Victim Returns to the United States
minus iconInternational Terrorism
minus iconCrime Victim Compensation
Checklists for Assisting U.S. Citizens Victimized Abroad

Victim Services: An International Outlook

Taking a Global Perspective

In many cases, U.S. citizens who have been victims of crime abroad require the same types of assistance as victims of crimes that occur in the United States, ranging from the practical and immediate—such as replacing money—to the complex and long-term—such as participating in the prosecution of a violent crime.

U.S. citizens often expect comprehensive and detailed services for victims of crime and their families, similar to those currently offered throughout the United States. Unfortunately, systems for thorough, appropriate, and timely victim assistance have not been established in many parts of the world. This lack of adequate victim services poses distinct challenges for both U.S. citizens victimized abroad and service providers in the United States who are helping victims deal with the aftermath of the crime.

To assist U.S. citizens who have been victimized abroad, domestic victim service providers must do the following:

  • Realize that victimization abroad generates unique consequences.

  • Recognize that providing effective services demands a perspective unlike that for cases in the United States.

  • Suspend the assumption that prior strategies and methods will continue to be successful.

  • Adopt a broad, creative approach to collaborating with new agencies and organizations to gain access to diverse information and resources.


Victim Assistance Online
(Information on victim assistance programs in approximately 20 countries)

World Society of Victimology

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This document was last updated on May 29, 2008