A r c h i v e d  I n f o r m a t i o n

    FOR RELEASE                              Contact: Melinda Kitchell Malico     July 10, 1996                                     (202) 401-1576

Colorado Given Unprecedented Statewide Flexibility in Education Programs

To help advance local school improvement efforts in Colorado, U.S. Secretary of Education Richard W. Riley today awarded the state the authority to waive federal education rules and regulations that get in the way of community efforts to improve teaching and learning.

Statewide, school district and individual school waivers designed to cut red tape are available under a new "Ed Flex" partnership between Colorado and the U.S. Department of Education.

Riley said this break with the old top down approach to government was made possible by the Goals 2000: Educate America Act, designed to promote and support state and community efforts to help students learn the basics and core subjects to high standards.

"Ed-Flex is a striking example of new partnerships the Clinton administration is forming with states and communities to help raise academic standards, improve student achievement and add discipline to our schools," Riley said. "The state of Colorado, through its Partnerships for Educating Colorado Students,' has worked to improve schools by eliminating constraints that can stand in the way of better teaching and learning and by holding all schools, districts and the entire state responsible for student performance."

Selection of Colorado as the eighth Ed Flex state allows waiver decisions to be made by the state -- not the federal government -- giving the state the power to waive rules that can limit local and state school improvement efforts in exchange for accountability for student progress.

Colorado plans to build on its experience with state waivers as a tool for school improvement and continue to support district and school level decision making.

Seven states -- Kansas, Maryland, Massachusetts, Ohio, Oregon, Texas and Vermont -- have already received Ed Flex authority. A total of twelve states will earn the status under the Goals 2000 Act, as amended under the 1996 Omnibus Appropriations Act.

To qualify for the waiver authority under the Education Flexibility Partnership Demonstration Program, Colorado designed and submitted its Partnerships for Educating Students' comprehensive school improvement plan. Colorado's Education Goals Panel -- comprised of 40 educators, parents, and civic and business leaders from around the state -- convened to develop the plan. Colorado also pledged to waive numerous state requirements that apply to education and to hold schools and districts accountable for students' academic performance, as measured by state and local assessments tied to challenging standards in core subjects.

School districts and schools in Colorado will be able to seek waivers from requirements of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act, including Title I, the Safe and Drug free Schools and Communities provisions, Eisenhower Professional Development, and other programs. Civil rights requirements will not be waived. Likewise, waivers are not allowable under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act.

In its application for Ed Flex status, Colorado indicated that it would consider waivers to consolidate professional development funds across programs, offer Title I schoolwide program services to additional Title I schools that agree to undergo the year long planning process, consolidate funds from multiple sources to make early childhood programs more effective and efficient, and expand Migrant student services.

Riley also announced today that Colorado is one of 19 states to receive third year Goals 2000 funding. The state's share is $3,922,624. Goals 2000 supports efforts to improve local schools, raise student academic achievement, involve parents in schools, bring technology into the classroom, upgrade teachers' skills and knowledge throughout their careers, and create partnerships with business and community groups. Under Goals 2000, Colorado received more than $5 million in the first two years of funding.

Riley said the department's commitment to flexibility also is reflected in its implementation of the Goals 2000 Act. The education reform law has no regulations, nor will any be issued.

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