President Bush Launches Effort to Bring Students and Veterans Together in America's Classrooms
Education and Veterans Affairs Team Up to Promote "Lessons of Liberty"
Archived Information

OCTOBER 30, 2001
Contact: Lindsey Kozberg
(202) 401-3026

President Bush invited U.S. Secretary of Education Rod Paige, U.S. Secretary of Veterans Affairs Anthony Principi and former U.S. Senate Majority Leader Robert Dole to join him for the launch of the new Lessons of Liberty initiative today at Thomas S. Wootton High School in Rockville, Md.

The initiative is a joint effort by the Education and Veterans Affairs Departments to encourage public and private elementary and secondary schools around the country to invite veterans into their classrooms in the days leading up to and following Veterans Day on Sunday, November 11, 2001. These veterans will share their experiences with students, and teach them important lessons about the history and significance of Veterans Day. They will also help students reflect upon the importance of the ideals of liberty, democracy and freedom that America's veterans have defended for over two centuries.

To promote these learning opportunities, President Bush is declaring the week of November 11th - 17th as National Veterans Awareness Week, and is calling upon America's schools to give their students the opportunity to participate. Lessons of Liberty will further expand opportunities for America's students to participate in activities that explore America's history and values in the midst of our war against terrorism.

Secretary Paige told students at Thomas S. Wootton High School, "You may already be participating in the Fund for Afghan Children or working with your teachers to get involved in Friendship through Education. The initiative that President Bush has announced today is another way you can involve yourselves in our current events, not just during the week of November 11th - 17th but throughout the school year. I am delighted to be working with the Department of Veterans Affairs on this new program and hope that all of America's students will be able to participate."

Schools can find information on how to participate in the Lessons of Liberty initiative through the Department of Veterans Affairs and the Department of Education. Schools, educators, parents and students are encouraged to visit the Department of Veterans Affairs Web site at to find classroom materials and curricula, ideas for activities, and resources for getting in touch with a veteran in their community.

Additional information on today's event at Thomas S. Wootton High School can be obtained on the White House Web site at



Last Modified: 10/03/2003