Paige Recognizes Five Model Professional Development Programs
Archived Information

November 28, 2001
Contact: David Thomas

U.S. Secretary of Education Rod Paige announced today that two schools and three school districts are the winners of the U.S. Department of Education's National Awards Program for Professional Development for their outstanding teacher development programs.

"We need high-quality teachers in every classroom if we are going to offer every child in this country a high-quality education," Paige said. "Using comprehensive, research-based strategies and methods to better prepare our teachers for the classroom is a wise investment that will reap huge dividends by improving student performance. The programs being honored demonstrate how well-trained teachers will help to ensure that no child is left behind."

Receiving awards are Starlight Elementary School in Watsonville, Calif.; Ridge Meadow Elementary School in Ellisville, Mo.; North Nodaway in Pickering, Mo.; North Kansas City School District in Kansas City, Mo.; and Mesquite Independent School District in Mesquite, Texas.

To be recognized, schools and districts demonstrate that their professional development programs result in improved teacher effectiveness and student learning and are consistent with a set of principles for professional development that are based on the best available research and exemplary practice. Winners must have demonstrated that student achievement data has increased over three years.

Through this recognition program, these schools can serve as models for others designing strategies to improve teachers' skills and knowledge of subject matter.

Developing the skills of teachers and principals plays a critical role in school improvement. High-quality programs include rigorous subject content, effective teaching strategies and school- and district-based supports that ensure the career-long development of teachers.

Public and private schools and districts were eligible to participate in the program, and 19 applied.

The department's regional laboratories coordinated a rigorous review process that included a first round of evaluation by a non-federal panel of experts, comprehensive site visits of the most promising applicants, and final review by a seven-member blue ribbon panel. The panel made recommendations to Secretary Paige, who selected the final honorees.

The 2000 award winners will be featured Dec. 17-19 in San Antonio, Texas, at the department's Improving America's Schools Conference.

Editor's Note: The following is contact information for each winner:

Starlight Elementary School, Irene McGinty, (831) 728-6979
Ridge Meadow Elementary School, Carol Kottwitz, (636) 207-2661
North Nodaway School District, Beccy Baldwin, (660) 927-3322
North Kansas School District, Richard Rice, (816) 413-5066
Mesquite Independent School District, Gayle Owen, (972) 882-7345

For more information about the department's National Awards Program for Model Professional Development Program, visit our website at



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