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Pictured Rocks National LakeshoreLooking east from the Log Slide, the Grand Sable Banks tower some 300 feet above Lake Superior.
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Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore
Government Performance and Results Act
The Government Performance Results Act of 1993 (GPRA) was enacted with the goal of seeking to shift the focus of government decision making and accountability away from a preoccupation with the activities that are undertaken to a focus on the results of those activities, such as real gains in employability, safety, responsiveness, or program quality. Under the Act, Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore is required to develop multiyear strategic plans, annual performance plans, and annual performance reports.

Here are highlights of the park’s Fiscal Year 2006 operating budget, which funds specific goals in the annual performance plan

Aquatic ecologist removing white sucker from a fish trap during a fishing sampling project.
NPS photo
Aquatic ecologist at fish sampling station
$248,357 for resource preservation and management
Strong science and resource management programs are necessary to protect, monitor and conserve lakeshore ecosystems and cultural resources.

During 2006, the black bear ecology project will continue in an effort to determine black bear movements, habitat use, and survival rates in relation to human activity at the Lakeshore.

Also, graduate students from Northern Michigan University will continue to conduct field research that addresses several topics related to coaster brook trout migration from the streams to Lake Superior and staff will regularly monitor aquatic habitats for the presence of non-native species such as zebra mussels and the Lakeshore will cooperate with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to estimate the population of the non-native sea lamprey.

The park’s museum collection includes several thousand artifacts in the maritime, archeological, botanical, archival, logging, fishing, and other disciplines.

Park employee installs fascine along Sable Creek.
NPS photo
Park employee along Sable Creek

$636,801 for facility operations and maintenance
Visitors safely enjoy and are satisfied with the availability, accessibility, diversity, and quality of lakeshore facilities and recreational opportunities. The maintenance division is responsible for the overall maintenance and operation of the lakeshore's "built" facilities including public use and administration buildings, historic structures, cultural sites, public use facilities, trails, campgrounds, picnic areas, roads, water and sewer systems, park signs, vehicles and equipment maintenance.

In 2006, the regular staff of the maintenance work unit will be assisted by a Youth Conservation Association (SCA) crew, a Youth Conservation Crew (YCC), and a variety of volunteer groups. Several of the projects include: Munising ski trail maintenance (YCC), Beaver Creek bridge repair and trail improvement (SCA), development of Au Sable geo-thermal heat system, mitigation of bat feces accumulation in the Abrahamson Barn, installation of a fire suppression system at the Au Sable Light Station, repair concrete walks at Au Sable Light Station Fog Signal building, implement energy efficiency measures at visitor contact centers, and expansion of Miners Beach parking area.

The Lakeshore's Biologist/Forester walking with a park visitor.
NPS photo by Ed Lasich
Lakeshore employee with park visitor
$607,940 to address visitor services
Lakeshore visitors, neighbors, and the general public learn to understand the significance of the National Lakeshore and enjoy a safe visit. Lakeshore visitors have access to miles of beaches and trails along the Lake Superior shore.

Visitor service activities include monitoring and documenting development on lands within the inland buffer zone. At a time when commercial uses are increasing within the lakeshore, the lakeshore is focusing efforts on administering commercial licenses and special use permits. These activities are in concert with more traditional front and backcountry management, visitor assistance, natural resources management and law enforcement.

The lakeshore's educational outreach programs reach approximately 3,000 people annually and the lakeshore operates four visitor centers, providing information to visitors on park activities and programs.

Lakeshore Superintendent Jim Northup, photographed in June 2006.
NPS photo by Gregg Bruff
Lakeshore Superintendent
$388,511 for park administration
The Lakeshore utilizes current management practices, systems, and technologies to accomplish its mission. To meet a variety of legal requirements and to expend available funds and personnel efforts in the most effective way requires a support staff. This staff ensures that mandates are fulfilled, guidance and direction is provided and those needs are accurately defined and outside support requested. Managerial capabilities are increased through initiatives and support from other agencies, partnerships, organizations, and individuals.

The goals described in the Annual Performance Plan are derived from the 2005-2008 NPS Strategic Plan, which establishes a performance management process for the National Park Service and incorporates the requirements of GPRA.

Fiscal Years 2005-2008 Strategic Plan (pdf - 51 pages)

FY 2006 Annual Performance Plan (pdf - 45 pages)
FY 2006 Annual Performance Report (pdf - 19 pages)

FY 2007 Annual Performance Plan (pdf - 21 pages)
FY 2007 Annual Performance Report (pdf - 23 pages)

FY 2008 Annual Performance Plan (pdf - 20 pages)

Annual Visitor Surveys
Every year, a visitor survey is conducted in each National Park to measure the park's performance related to Visitor Satisfaction (GPRA Goal IIa1) and Visitor Understanding and Appreciation (GPRA Goal IIb1). Recent survey reports for Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore are posted below.

2007 Visitor Survey Card Report (pdf)
2006 Visitor Survey Card Report (pdf)
2005 Visitor Survey Card Report (pdf)
2004 Visitor Survey Card Report (pdf)
2003 Visitor Survey Card Report (pdf)
2002 Visitor Survey Card Report (pdf)
2001 Visitor Survey Card Report (pdf)
2000 Visitor Survey Card Report (pdf)
1999 Visitor Survey Card Report (pdf)
1998 Visitor Survey Card Report (pdf)

Chapel Lake is shown with fall colors, a beautifu view of the northwoods in Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore.  

Did You Know?
Chapel Lake is one of several plunge pool lakes created by post glacial rivers after the Marquette advance of the most recent ice age. Its greatest depth is 140 feet. Other plunge pool lakes include Deer Lake and Ginpole Lake in Alger County, home of Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore.

Last Updated: January 08, 2008 at 14:29 EST