Supplemental Education Services for Children to be Featured During Tuesday's TV Show, Webcast
Archived Information

October 18, 2004
Contacts: Jim Bradshaw
(202) 401-2310

The U.S. Department of Education's monthly TV/webcast series, "Education News Parents Can Use," airs Tuesday with the spotlight on supplemental education services available for students in need under the No Child Left Behind Act. Also covered will be tips for parents on helping children succeed in school.

A number of cable services across the nation will carry the program from 8-9 p.m. EDT. A complete listing of viewer options is posted at In addition, the program will be webcast at

"No Child Left Behind helps parents of children in need to obtain tutoring and mentors," said U.S. Secretary of Education Rod Paige. "This valuable service is one of the many reasons why this law is our best hope for giving every child -- every single one -- a quality education."

Topics for Tuesday night's show include:

Guests include Nina S. Rees, deputy under secretary for the U.S. Department of Education's Office of Innovation and Improvement. In that capacity, she serves as the principal adviser to Secretary Paige on all matters related to parental options and choice.

Also appearing will be Harris Cooper, a psychology professor from Duke University, who will discuss homework and parental involvement. Adding to that discussion will be Pastor Jeffrey Dennis, executive director of Project A.G.A.P.E. (Academically Growing and Promoting Excellence) in Akron, Ohio, and Kevin Teasley, founder and president of Greater Educational Opportunities Foundation in Indianapolis.

In addition, Eugene T.W. Sanders, superintendent and chief executive officer of the Toledo Public Schools, will describe the success his district has experienced with Project STAR (Striving Toward Academic Reform), an initiative that includes expanded supplemental services as an intervention tool. Others from Toledo will also appear on the program, discussing how supplemental services help students in their district.

Details about the "Education News Parents Can Use" TV series can be found at



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Last Modified: 10/18/2004