Paige Announces 63 National Distinguished Elementary and Middle School Principals
Archived Information

September 30, 2002
Contact:Melinda Malico,
(202) 401-1576

Sixty-three outstanding elementary and middle school principals from across the nation and from U.S. schools abroad were named today as 2002 National Distinguished Principals by the U.S. Department of Education and the National Association of Elementary School Principals (NAESP). They will be honored Oct. 11 at an awards banquet at the Capital Hilton in Washington.

"With the nation's focus squarely on student achievement and accountability for results under the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001, principals are front and center in the effort to raise student achievement," said U.S. Secretary of Education Rod Paige. "Kudos to each of these 63 exemplary principals for their leadership toward realizing this noble goal. I look forward to working with each of you, and your colleagues across the nation, to achieve the goals of this landmark education law."

"Our schools are only as effective as their leadership," said Vincent Ferrandino, NAESP's executive director. "As we work to ensure that every school is excellent and every child is a high achiever, these 63 school principals are showing us how it is done."

The department and NAESP began the program in 1984 to recognize public and private school principals who make superior contributions to their schools and communities.

The distinguished principals are selected by NAESP affiliates in all 50 states and the District of Columbia, and by committees representing private and overseas schools. NAESP represents 29,000 elementary and middle school principals in the U.S. and overseas.

Each affiliate uses its own selection process, following guidelines established by NAESP and the U.S. Department of Education for determining outstanding leadership. The guidelines include: nomination by peers; demonstrated commitment to excellence; evidence of support by students, colleagues, parents and the community; high standards and expectations for students and staff; and service as a principal for at least five years.

The National Distinguished Principals program is made possible through the corporate sponsorship of AIG VALIC. The company manages long-term investment programs for more than 27,000 education, healthcare, public sector and other organizations.

NOTE TO EDITORS: A list of principals is available here.

For biographical information about the principals and information about the Oct. 10-11 program, or to request an interview while the principals are in Washington, call June Million at NAESP, (703) 684-3345 or 1-800-386-2377.



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Last Modified: 02/08/2007