BOARD OF GOVERNORS OF THE FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM Date: December 15, 2006 To: Board of Governors From: Donald L. Kohn Subject: 2007 Final Reserve Bank Budgets The Committee on Federal Reserve Bank Affairs has reviewed staffs recommendation that the Board approve the Reserve Bank budgets for 2007. In aggregate, the 2007 Reserve Bank budgets total $2,953.3 million, an increase of $153.2 million or 5.5 percent over 2006 estimated expenses. I am forwarding the attached staff memorandum to the Board for its consideration. Attachment BOARD OF GOVERNORS OF THE FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM DIVISION OF RESERVE BANK OPERATIONS AND PAYMENT SYSTEMS Date: December 1, 2006 To: Committee on Federal Reserve Bank Affairs From: Lauren Oriente, Stuart Sperry, Dorothy LaChapelle, Paul Bettge Subject: 2007 Final Reserve Bank Budgets ACTION REQUESTED Staff requests Committee review of its recommendation that the Board approve the 2007 Reserve Banks’ budgets totaling $2,953.3 million, an increase of $153.2 million or 5.5 percent over the 2006 estimated expenses. [Begin Footnote 1. These expenses include those budgeted by Federal Reserve Information Technology (FRIT) and the Office of Employee Benefits (OEB) that are chargeable to the Reserve Banks. End footnote 1.] Staff also requests Committee review of its recommendation that the Board approve the 2007 Reserve Bank, Federal Reserve Information Technology (FRIT), and the Office of Employee Benefits (OEB) capital budgets totaling $591.6 million. The capital budgets are approved with the understanding that approval for actual capital outlays will be in accordance with the Board’s Policies and Guidelines Concerning Reserve Bank Operations (S-2619). We have attached additional statistical information that provides detail on expenses, staffing, and capital outlays. 2 Total Expense and Employment Summary The 2007 expense increase of $153.2 million or 5.5 percent is driven largely by increases in the Treasury, information security, protection, and check areas. These increases are offset slightly by reductions in the cash function. Table 1 Reserve Bank Expenses and ANP (dollars in millions) Begin Header Row. Column 1. Column 2: 2006 Budget. Column 3: 2006 Estimate. Column 4: 2007 Budget. Column 5: Change 2006 Est.-2007 Bud. Amount. Column 6: Change 2006 Est.-2007 Bud. Percent. End Header Row. Central Bank Services Central Bank Services, 2006 Budget: $1,581.0 Central Bank Services, 2006 Estimate: $1,589.3 Central Bank Services, 2007 Budget: $1,683.4 Central Bank Services, Change 2006 Est.- 2007 Bud. Amount: $94.1 Central Bank Services, Change 2006 Est.-2007 Bud. Percent: 5.9% Treasury Services Treasury Services, 2006 Budget: $409.5 Treasury Services, 2006 Estimate: $409.0 Treasury Services, 2007 Budget: $442.7 Treasury Services, Change 2006 Est.-2007 Bud. Amount: $33.7 Treasury Services, Change 2006 Est.-2007 Bud. Percent: 8.2% Priced Services Priced Services, 2006 Budget: $795.8 Priced Services, 2006 Estimate: $801.9 Priced Services, 2007 Budget: $827.3 Priced Services, Change 2006 Est.-2007 Bud. Amount: $25.4 Priced Services, Change 2006 Est.-2007 Bud. Percent: 3.2% Total Expense Total Expense, 2006 Budget: $2,786.3 Total Expense, 2006 Estimate: $2,800.1 Total Expense, 2007 Budget: $2,953.3 Total Expense, Change 2006 Est.-2007 Bud. Amount: $153.2 Total Expense, Change 2006 Est.-2007 Bud. Percent: 5.5% ANP ANP, 2006 Budget: 19,869 ANP, 2006 Estimate: 19,885 ANP, 2007 Budget: 19,828 ANP, Change 2006 Est.-2007 Bud. Amount: -57 ANP, Change 2006 Est.-2007 Bud. Percent: -0.3% Nearly half of Reserve Bank expenses in the 2007 budget are offset by priced service revenues (33 percent) and reimbursable claims for services provided to the Treasury and other agencies (16 percent). [Begin footnote 2. Reimbursable claims include costs of fiscal agency and depository services provided to the U.S. Treasury, other government agencies, and other fiscal principals that are billed to these agencies. End footnote 2.] Budgeted 2007 revenue is lower than the 2006 estimated level, primarily as a result of declining check volume. Reimbursable claims will increase 8.5 percent in 2007, reflecting additional efforts by the Reserve Banks on behalf of the Treasury. Table 2 Change in Net Expenses (dollars in millions) Begin Header Row. Column 1. Column 2: Budget. Column 3: Estimate. Column 4: Budget. Column 5: Percent Change, 06B-07B. Column 6: Percent Change, 06E-07B. Total Expense Total Expense, Budget: $2,786.3 Total Expense, Estimate: $2,800.1 Total Expense, Budget: $2,953.3 Total Expense, Percent Change, 06B-07B: 6.0% Total Expense, Percent Change, 06E-07B: 5.5% Less: Priced Services Revenue [Begin footnote 1. 2007 budgeted revenue is $1.1 million higher than the projection in the staff memorandum to the Board on proposed 2007 fee schedules for priced services dated November 7, 2006. End footnote 1.] Less, Priced Services Revenue [Begin footnote 1. 2007 budgeted revenue is $1.1 million higher than the projection in the staff memorandum to the Board on proposed 2007 fee schedules for priced services dated November 7, 2006. End footnote 1.], Budget: $912.6 Less, Priced Services Revenue [Begin footnote 1. 2007 budgeted revenue is $1.1 million higher than the projection in the staff memorandum to the Board on proposed 2007 fee schedules for priced services dated November 7, 2006. End footnote 1.], Estimate: $1,027.7 Less, Priced Services Revenue [Begin footnote 1. 2007 budgeted revenue is $1.1 million higher than the projection in the staff memorandum to the Board on proposed 2007 fee schedules for priced services dated November 7, 2006. End footnote 1.], Budget: $981.3 Less, Priced Services Revenue [Begin footnote 1. 2007 budgeted revenue is $1.1 million higher than the projection in the staff memorandum to the Board on proposed 2007 fee schedules for priced services dated November 7, 2006. End footnote 1.], Percent Change, 06B-07B: 7.5% Less, Priced Services Revenue [Begin footnote 1. 2007 budgeted revenue is $1.1 million higher than the projection in the staff memorandum to the Board on proposed 2007 fee schedules for priced services dated November 7, 2006. End footnote 1.], Percent Change, 06E-07B: -4.5% Reimbursable Claims Less Reimbursable Claims, Budget: $429.9 Less Reimbursable Claims, Estimate: $430.1 Less Reimbursable Claims, Budget: $466.7 Less Reimbursable Claims, Percent Change, 06B-07B: 8.6% Less Reimbursable Claims, Percent Change, 06E-07B: 8.5% Net Expenses Net Expenses, Budget: $1,443.8 Net Expenses, Estimate: $1,342.3 Net Expenses, Budget: $1,505.3 Net Expenses, Percent Change, 06B-07B: 4.3% Net Expenses, Percent Change, 06E-07B: 12.1% Total 2007 projected employment for the Reserve Banks, FRIT, and OEB is 19,828 ANP, a decrease of 57 ANP or 0.3 percent from 2006 estimated staff levels. [Begin footnote 3. ANP is the average number of employees in terms of full-time positions for the period. For instance, a full-time employee who works one-half of the year counts as 0.5 ANP for that calendar year; two half-time employees who work the full year count as 1 ANP. End footnote 3.] The 2007 staffing decrease continues the trend of workforce reductions that began in the late 1990s. The 2007 budgeted staff reduction reflects the effect of infrastructure changes and volume declines in check Chart: Trends in Staffing Federal Reserve staffing levels have declined steadily each year, from 22,993 ANP in 2002 actual to a projected 19,828 ANP in the 2007 budget. 3 and efficiency gains in currency processing, offset slightly by increases in other areas such as information technology, Treasury, and protection. 2006 Budget Performance Total 2006 expenses are estimated to be $2,800.1 million, which represents an increase of $13.8 million or 0.5 percent from the approved 2006 budget of $2,786.3 million. Total 2006 estimated staffing of 19,885 ANP represents an increase of 17 ANP from 2006 budgeted levels. The expense increase from budget is driven primarily by higher costs to support the New Treasury Auction Automated Processing System (NTAAPS) ($8.5 million). Also contributing to the overrun are higher expenses in check operations for staffing, supplies, and equipment related to higher-than-budgeted Check 21 volumes, higher fuel costs for check transportation, and additional staff for check adjustments and check operation consolidations ($8.3 million and 203 ANP). Additional costs in several support areas, including increased utilities and property depreciation expense, and higher overtime in the protection area, increase expenses by $5.6 million. Other increases to the current year budget include additional costs for overtime and travel in supervision and regulation ($5.4 million) and higher equipment costs in cash ($2.5 million). Partially offsetting these increases are lower costs in several Treasury initiatives. Expenses for the Treasury Web Application Infrastructure (TWAI) are $6.7 million below budget due to delayed or suspended application development efforts. Expenses and staffing in several other Treasury applications are $2.5 million and 35 ANP lower due to changes in project scope and development efforts at the request of the Treasury. In addition, unfilled positions in public programs reduce the estimate by $1.3 million and 25 ANP. Staffing reductions are also occurring in support areas (58 ANP) due to turnover and hiring delays, primarily in facilities and protection. Staffing levels in cash are decreasing 40 ANP, reflecting increased efficiencies, volume declines, and hiring delays. 4 Factors Affecting the 2007 Budget In the central bank area, which includes monetary policy, public programs, supervision and regulation, and cash operations, expenses are increasing $94.1 million or 5.9 percent in 2007. Total costs for monetary policy and economic research are increasing $21.0 million or 6.5 percent. Staffing levels are increasing 10 ANP due in part to the full-year effect of several Banks’ efforts initiated in 2006. Chart: Trend in Central Bank Total Costs Central Bank expenses have increased from $1.3 billion in 2002 actual to a projected $1.68 billion in the 2007 budget. Expenses in public programs are increasing $15.8 million or 10.7 percent and staffing levels are increasing 32 ANP. During 2007, Reserve Banks will focus resources on regional outreach expansion, economic education, and financial literacy efforts. In recent years, Reserve Banks have devoted more resources to these efforts, particularly in regions where there is a limited Reserve Bank presence. Expenses in the supervision and regulation area are increasing $45.4 million or 8.2 percent in the 2007 budget as a result of the full-year effect of 2006 hires and higher compensation for current staff. Staffing levels are increasing 18 ANP. Expenses in cash operations are increasing $0.9 million or 0.2 percent. The relatively flat cost in this area reflects several initiatives, including reduced cash processing equipment maintenance costs, projected recoveries from the recirculation policy, and productivity improvements ($5.0 million). [Begin footnote 4. 4 Under the new recirculation policy, the Reserve Banks will charge depository institutions a fee to deposit large amounts of fit $10 and $20 notes and order the same denomination within the same week. End footnote 4.] One-time costs that were recognized in 2006 to restructure currency operations across Reserve Banks also reduce the 2007 budget ($2.2 million). These reductions to the cash budget largely offset the area’s compensation program growth ($7.7 million) and other initiatives, including expenses and staffing resources to prepare for a new cash automation platform ($1.0 million and 8 ANP) and several long-term initiatives underway in the cash area ($1.2 million and 5 ANP). 5 Total costs to provide services to the Treasury are increasing $33.7 million and 8.2 percent. Staffing levels are increasing 19 ANP. The increase is driven by growth in two software applications maintained for the Treasury. Costs for developing and implementing NTAAPS are increasing $10.1 million and 4 ANP. The TWAI project, which provides a dedicated web environment that supports several Treasury applications and millions of registered users, continues to grow as new applications are added to the environment. The 2007 budget includes an increase of $10.1 million for additional applications to be added to the TWAI environment. Growth in other Treasury applications, totaling $3.0 million and 14 ANP, include the Government financial management system (GWA) and Treasury international payments process (ITS), ongoing development of the Treasury’s General Account Deposit Reporting Network (TGANet) application, and software to process government electronic payments (eGovernment). These increases are partially offset by the transfer of the Transaction Reporting System to a private company ($4.9 million). Chart: Trend in Treasury Total Costs Treasury Services expenses have increased steadily each year from $287 million in 2002 actual to a projected $443 million in the 2007 budget. Total check expenses are increasing $11.0 million or 1.7 percent reflecting higher costs for Check 21-related supplies and equipment, as well as additional resources necessary to facilitate further consolidation to five regional check adjustments sites. The 2007 budget also includes additional funding for several check initiatives, including further check restructuring. Chart: Trend in Check Total Costs Check expenses have declined in recent years from $783 million in 2002 actual to a projected $652 million in the 2007 budget. These reductions are offset slightly by the full-year effect of check processing infrastructure changes in 2006 and additional changes planned for 2007, declining paper check 6 volume, and attrition of check adjustments staff in non-regional sites. These reductions result in a decrease of 347 ANP. Support costs are increasing $46.7 million or 5.8 percent. The increase is driven primarily by additional costs for information security and protection. Expenses for information technology are increasing $15.8 million, primarily for security and infrastructure-related initiatives to upgrade and enhance security throughout the System. Protection costs are increasing $8.7 million and 18 ANP, reflecting personnel costs related to filling open positions and higher depreciation expense for physical security projects. Chart: Trend in Support Direct Costs Support costs have declined slightly from 2002 actual levels, from $883 million to a projected $857 million in the 2007 budget. 2007 Personnel Expenses Budgeted officer and employee salaries and other personnel expenses total $1.5 billion, which is 4.7 percent higher than the 2006 estimate. This includes an increase of $78.3 million or 5.3 percent to fund salary administration programs for officers and employees. [Begin footnote 5. Salary administration represents the budgeted funds that are available to increase compensation to officers and employees in the upcoming year. It does not include adjustments for changes in staffing levels and composition, turnover and lag in hiring, overtime, severance, and outside agency expense. End footnote 5.] These expenses are offset primarily by reductions in severance payments and outside agency expense of $17.5 million. Reserve Bank average merit pools are budgeted at 4.0 percent for officers and employees, slightly higher than 2006. Variable pay programs are increasing $10.0 million in 2007. In total, incentive payments make up slightly more than 60 percent of the total variable pay program. Banks plan to use these additional funds to address market pressures and retain highly skilled staff in specific areas of the Bank. 7 Of the projected 2,165 ANP leaving the Reserve Banks, FRIT, and OEB in 2007, an estimated 17 percent of staff leaving will not be replaced (Table 3), primarily due to planned staff reductions associated with check infrastructure changes and anticipated lower check volumes. Turnover in 2007 is expected to be lower than the 2,356 ANP in 2006 due in large part to efforts to retain staff in critical areas and lower staffing reductions associated with reengineering efforts. Retirement and other benefit expenses are anticipated to increase by approximately $61.8 million or 14.7 percent in 2007. The primary driver of the increase is a $40.3 million one-time adjustment in post-retirement medical benefits (FAS 106). Table 3 2007 Turnover Begin Header Row. Column 1. Column 2: Officers ANP. Column 3: Officers Percent of To t al Staffi ng. Column 4: Employees ANP. Column 5: Employees Percent of To t al Staffi ng. Column 6: Total ANP. Column 7: Tot al Percent of To t al Staffi ng. Total Number of ANP Leaving the Bank Total Number of ANP Leaving the Bank, Officers ANP: 44 Total Number of ANP Leaving the Bank, Officers Percent of To t al Staffi ng: 4.1% Total Number of ANP Leaving the Bank, Employees ANP: 2,121 Total Number of ANP Leaving the Bank, Employees Percent of To t al Staffi ng: 11.5% Total Number of ANP Leaving the Bank, Total ANP: 2,165 Total Number of ANP Leaving the Bank, Tot al Percent of To t al Staffi ng: 11.1% Total ANP not Replaced Total ANP not Replaced, Officers ANP: 3 Total ANP not Replaced, Officers Percent of To t al Staffi ng: 0.3% Total ANP not Replaced, Employees ANP: 374 Total ANP not Replaced, Employees Percent of To t al Staffi ng: 2.0% Total ANP not Replaced, Total ANP: 377 Total ANP not Replaced, Tot al Percent of To t al Staffi ng: 1.9% Total Replaced Total Replaced, Officers ANP: v41 Total Replaced, Officers Percent of To t al Staffi ng: 3.8% Total Replaced, Employees ANP: 1,747 Total Replaced, Employees Percent of To t al Staffi ng: 9.5% Total Replaced, Total ANP: 1,788 Total Replaced, Tot al Percent of To t al Staffi ng: 9.2% ANP replaced due to retirement Total Replaced, ANP replaced due to retirement, Officers ANP: 30 Total Replaced, ANP replaced due to retirement, Officers Percent of To t al Staffi ng: 2.8% Total Replaced, ANP replaced due to retirement, Employees ANP: 167 Total Replaced, ANP replaced due to retirement, Employees Percent of To t al Staffi ng: 0.9% Total Replaced, ANP replaced due to retirement, Total ANP: 197 Total Replaced, ANP replaced due to retirement, Tot al Percent of To t al Staffi ng: 1.0% ANP replaced due to other reasons Total Replaced, ANP replaced due to other reasons, Officers ANP: 11 Total Replaced, ANP replaced due to other reasons, Officers Percent of To t al Staffi ng: 1.0% Total Replaced, ANP replaced due to other reasons, Employees ANP: 1,580 Total Replaced, ANP replaced due to other reasons, Employees Percent of To t al Staffi ng: 8.6% Total Replaced, ANP replaced due to other reasons, Total ANP: 1,591 Total Replaced, ANP replaced due to other reasons, Tot al Percent of To t al Staffi ng: 8.2% Risks in the 2007 Budget The projected declines in check paper items processed, the rapid increase in Check 21 volumes, the continuation of planned check restructuring, and assumptions for check transportation pose risks to the budget in 2007. In addition, several Banks cited the implementation of the cash recirculation policy, and its effects on volumes and recoveries, as a budget risk. Changes in the scope or direction of the various Treasury projects and continued unbudgeted Treasury requests also pose a risk for the Banks in 2007. Finally, Banks cite the budgeted recoveries associated with tenant rental income as a risk. The check service continues to be an area where Banks have identified a considerable amount of risk. Volumes are projected to decline 9.6 percent in 2007, reflecting the continued decline of legacy paper items and the rapid growth of Check 21 items. If the budgeted decrease in legacy paper volumes fails to materialize, the Banks would incur costs for higher-than-planned staffing levels. The continued rapid growth of Check 21 items could present operational challenges and, if the adoption of Fed Receipt is slower than anticipated, the Banks 8 would require additional staffing, equipment, and supplies beyond those budgeted. [Begin footnote 6. Fed Receipt is a service in which the paying bank agrees to the electronic receipt of Check 21 items. End footnote 6.] Phase IV of the check consolidations has been announced, but final dates for the four consolidations have not yet been finalized. Although the Retail Payments Office budgeted for restructuring and other check initiatives in the 2007 budget, additional funding may be required if consolidation and transportation assumptions vary significantly from plan. The implementation of the new currency recirculation policy and the Future Cash Automation software development effort pose significant risks for the 2007 budget. The fee component of the new currency recirculation policy is scheduled for implementation mid-2007. Budgeted assumptions may vary depending on how aggressively cash customers adjust their currency usage and practices to avoid these fees. Costs associated with implementation of the Presidential Dollar Coin Act have also been identified as a risk. As in the past, unforeseen requests from the Treasury or changes in scope and direction would add costs and could require additional resources in 2007. In addition, the Treasury’s plans for reengineering its collection and cash management processes and systems are not yet fully defined. The effect of this initiative has not been factored into Bank budgets. In addition, many Banks are facing a significant number of officer retirements within the next several years, many of which are in senior management positions. Several Banks have identified succession planning and retention as a high priority objective and have programs underway to address this issue. 2007 Capital Plan The 2007 capital budget submitted by the Reserve Banks, FRIT, and OEB totals $591.6 million, a $139.9 million or 31 percent increase from the 2006 estimated levels. The increase from the 2006 estimate is driven primarily by outlays projected in 2007 for the Kansas City new building project. As in previous years, the 2007 capital budget includes funding for projects that support the strategic direction outlined by the individual Reserve Banks and System plans. These strategies focus on investments that improve operational efficiencies and services to Bank customers and on providing a safe and quality work environment. In support of these strategies, the 2007 budget identifies six major categories of capital outlays: building projects and facility 9 improvements, security enhancements, automation and communication initiatives, payment system improvements, cash services initiatives, and Treasury initiatives. The proposed capital budget includes $314.5 million for building-related projects and facility improvements. The total includes $140.3 million in outlays for the new building project in Kansas City and $23.1 million for the Seattle new building project. In addition, the St. Louis capital budget includes $38.8 million for its head office expansion and enhancement project, and New York’s budget includes $35.3 million for projects in the main building and EROC. Another $126.4 million is included for initiatives related to payment systems, cash, and Treasury initiatives. Payment system initiatives account for $61.6 million and consist mainly of capital needed to support the rapid growth in Check 21 volume. The budget includes $39.7 million for Treasury initiatives, primarily for TWAI, NTAAPS, and e-Government initiatives. In addition, the budget includes outlays of $25.2 million for various cash initiatives. The Reserve Banks, FRIT, and OEB included $76.1 million in funding for major automation and communication initiatives. These initiatives do not include the automation components of building or payment systems initiatives discussed previously. Of the total automation-related outlays, FRIT projects and acquisitions account for $28.2 million. The New York budget includes $18.9 million for routine replacement of server equipment, PBX telephone equipment, and other network equipment. The budget also includes $69.4 million for security enhancements in support of Reserve Banks’ objectives to comply with System security standards. 10 APPENDIX Statistical Supplement Notes: In the following tables, Reserve Bank expenses include those budgeted by FRIT and OEB that are chargeable to the Reserve Banks. Components may not add to totals because of rounding. Table-to-table comparisons may also differ due to rounding. 11 Table 1 2007 Final Budget TOTAL EXPENSES OF THE FEDERAL RESERVE BANKS by District, 2006 and 2007 (Dollars in Thousands) Begin Header Row. Column 1: District. Column 2: 2006 Budget. Column 3: 2006 Estimate. Column 4: 2007 Budget. Column 5: Percent Change 06B to 06E. Column 6: Percent Change 06E to 07B. Begin Header Row. Column 1: District. Column 2: 2006 Budget. Column 3: 2006 Estimate. Column 4: 2007 Budget. Column 5: Percent Change 06B to 06E. Column 6: Percent Change 06E to 07B. District: Boston. District: Boston, 2006 Budget: $156,366 District: Boston, 2006 Estimate: $152,172 District: Boston, 2007 Budget: $151,625 District: Boston, Percent Change 06B to 06E: -2.7% District: Boston, Percent Change 06E to 07B: -0.4% District: New York. District: New York, 2006 Budget: $531,652 District: New York, 2006 Estimate: $542,003 District: New York, 2007 Budget: $573,662 District: New York, Percent Change 06B to 06E: 1.9% District: New York, Percent Change 06E to 07B: 5.8% District: Philadelphia. District: Philadelphia, 2006 Budget: $136,874 District: Philadelphia, 2006 Estimate: $138,019 District: Philadelphia, 2007 Budget: $147,732 District: Philadelphia, Percent Change 06B to 06E: 0.8% District: Philadelphia, Percent Change 06E to 07B: 7.0% District: Cleveland. District: Cleveland, 2006 Budget: $193,911 District: Cleveland, 2006 Estimate: $196,821 District: Cleveland, 2007 Budget: $208,644 District: Cleveland, Percent Change 06B to 06E: 1.5% District: Cleveland, Percent Change 06E to 07B: 6.0% District: Richmond. District: Richmond, 2006 Budget: $208,758 District: Richmond, 2006 Estimate: $214,274 District: Richmond, 2007 Budget: $231,262 District: Richmond, Percent Change 06B to 06E: 2.6% District: Richmond, Percent Change 06E to 07B: 7.9% District: Atlanta. District: Atlanta, 2006 Budget: $336,118 District: Atlanta, 2006 Estimate: $315,114 District: Atlanta, 2007 Budget: $337,336 District: Atlanta, Percent Change 06B to 06E: -6.2% District: Atlanta, Percent Change 06E to 07B: 7.1% District: Chicago. District: Chicago, 2006 Budget: $246,141 District: Chicago, 2006 Estimate: $243,524 District: Chicago, 2007 Budget: $274,162 District: Chicago, Percent Change 06B to 06E: -1.1% District: Chicago, Percent Change 06E to 07B: 12.6% District: St. Louis. District: St. Louis, 2006 Budget: $220,140 District: St. Louis, 2006 Estimate: $214,749 District: St. Louis, 2007 Budget: $229,623 District: St. Louis, Percent Change 06B to 06E: -2.4% District: St. Louis, Percent Change 06E to 07B: 6.9% District: Minneapolis. District: Minneapolis, 2006 Budget: $148,999 District: Minneapolis, 2006 Estimate: $153,816 District: Minneapolis, 2007 Budget: $159,786 District: Minneapolis, Percent Change 06B to 06E: 3.2% District: Minneapolis, Percent Change 06E to 07B: 3.9% District: Kansas City. District: Kansas City, 2006 Budget: $164,182 District: Kansas City, 2006 Estimate: $172,464 District: Kansas City, 2007 Budget: $173,175 District: Kansas City, Percent Change 06B to 06E: 5.0% District: Kansas City, Percent Change 06E to 07B: 0.4% District: Dallas. District: Dallas, 2006 Budget: $183,129 District: Dallas, 2006 Estimate: $195,407 District: Dallas, 2007 Budget: $186,662 District: Dallas, Percent Change 06B to 06E: 6.7% District: Dallas, Percent Change 06E to 07B: -4.5% District: San Francisco. District: San Francisco, 2006 Budget: $260,030 District: San Francisco, 2006 Estimate: $261,787 District: San Francisco, 2007 Budget: $279,662 District: San Francisco, Percent Change 06B to 06E: 0.7% District: San Francisco, Percent Change 06E to 07B: 6.8% District: Total. District: Total, 2006 Budget: $2,786,299 District: Total, 2006 Estimate: $2,800,148 District: Total, 2007 Budget: $2,953,331 District: Total, Percent Change 06B to 06E: 0.5% District: Total, Percent Change 06E to 07B: 5.5% 12 Table 2 2007 Final Budget TOTAL EMPLOYMENT OF THE FEDERAL RESERVE BANKS by District, 2006 and 2007 (Average Number of Personnel) Begin Header Row. Column 1: District. Column 2: 2006 Budget. Column 3: 2006 Estimate. Column 4: 2007 Budget. Column 5: Change 06B to 06E. Column 6: Change 06E to 07B. End Header Row. Begin Header Row. Column 1: District. Column 2: 2006 Budget. Column 3: 2006 Estimate. Column 4: 2007 Budget. Column 5: Change 06B to 06E. Column 6: Change 06E to 07B. End Header Row. District: Boston District: Boston, District: Boston, 2006 Budget: 1,041 District: Boston, 2006 Estimate: 1,015 District: Boston, 2007 Budget: 993 District: Boston, Change 06B to 06E: -25 District: Boston, Change 06E to 07B: -22 District: New York District: New York, 2006 Budget: 2,978 District: New York, 2006 Estimate: 2,940 District: New York, 2007 Budget: 2,868 District: New York, Change 06B to 06E: -38 District: New York, Change 06E to 07B: -72 District: Philadelphia District: Philadelphia, 2006 Budget: 1,078 District: Philadelphia, 2006 Estimate: 1,062 District: Philadelphia, 2007 Budget: 1,092 District: Philadelphia, Change 06B to 06E: -16 District: Philadelphia, Change 06E to 07B: 30 District: Cleveland District: Cleveland, 2006 Budget: 1,597 District: Cleveland, 2006 Estimate: 1,570 District: Cleveland, 2007 Budget: 1,604 District: Cleveland, Change 06B to 06E: -27 District: Cleveland, Change 06E to 07B: 34 District: Richmond District: Richmond, 2006 Budget: 1,847 District: Richmond, 2006 Estimate: 1,838 District: Richmond, 2007 Budget: 1,854 District: Richmond, Change 06B to 06E: -8 District: Richmond, Change 06E to 07B: 16 District: Atlanta District: Atlanta, 2006 Budget: 2,033 District: Atlanta, 2006 Estimate: 2,075 District: Atlanta, 2007 Budget: 2,042 District: Atlanta, Change 06B to 06E: 42 District: Atlanta, Change 06E to 07B: -32 District: Chicago District: Chicago, 2006 Budget: 1,534 District: Chicago, 2006 Estimate: 1,531 District: Chicago, 2007 Budget: 1,544 District: Chicago, Change 06B to 06E: -3 District: Chicago, Change 06E to 07B: 13 District: St. Louis District: St. Louis, 2006 Budget: 1,150 District: St. Louis, 2006 Estimate: 1,132 District: St. Louis, 2007 Budget: 1,124 District: St. Louis, Change 06B to 06E: -18 District: St. Louis, Change 06E to 07B: -8 District: Minneapolis District: Minneapolis, 2006 Budget: 1,287 District: Minneapolis, 2006 Estimate: 1,287 District: Minneapolis, 2007 Budget: 1,273 District: Minneapolis, Change 06B to 06E: 0 District: Minneapolis, Change 06E to 07B: -14 District: Kansas City District: Kansas City, 2006 Budget: 1,344 District: Kansas City, 2006 Estimate: 1,373 District: Kansas City, 2007 Budget: 1,386 District: Kansas City, Change 06B to 06E: 29 District: Kansas City, Change 06E to 07B: 13 District: Dallas District: Dallas, 2006 Budget: 1,315 District: Dallas, 2006 Estimate: 1,379 District: Dallas, 2007 Budget: 1,331 District: Dallas, Change 06B to 06E: 64 District: Dallas, Change 06E to 07B: -47 District: San Francisco District: San Francisco, 2006 Budget: 1,866 District: San Francisco, 2006 Estimate: 1,862 District: San Francisco, 2007 Budget: 1,879 District: San Francisco, Change 06B to 06E: -4 District: San Francisco, Change 06E to 07B: 17 District: Subtotal District: Subtotal, 2006 Budget: 19,069 District: Subtotal, 2006 Estimate: 19,063 District: Subtotal, 2007 Budget: 18,990 District: Subtotal, Change 06B to 06E: -5 District: Subtotal, Change 06E to 07B: -73 District: FRIT District: FRIT, 2006 Budget: 759 District: FRIT, 2006 Estimate: 780 District: FRIT, 2007 Budget: 793 District: FRIT, Change 06B to 06E: 21 District: FRIT, Change 06E to 07B: 13 District: OEB District: OEB, 2006 Budget: 40 District: OEB, 2006 Estimate: 42 District: OEB, 2007 Budget: 45 District: OEB, Change 06B to 06E: 2 District: OEB, Change 06E to 07B: 3 District: Total District: Total, 2006 Budget: 19,868 District: Total, 2006 Estimate: 19,885 District: Total, 2007 Budget: 19,828 District: Total, Change 06B to 06E: 17 District: Total, Change 06E to 07B: -57 13 Table 3 2007 Final Budget TOTAL EXPENSES OF THE FEDERAL RESERVE BANKS by Service Line (Dollars in Thousands) Begin Header Row. Column 1: Year. Column 2: Total. Column 3: Monetary and Economic Policy. Column 4: Services to U.S. Treasury and Gov't Agencies. Column 5: Services to Financial Institutions and the Public. Column 6: Supervision and Regulation. Column 7: Fee Based Services to Financial Institutions. End Header Row. Year: 2002 Year: 2002, Total: $2,532,512 Year: 2002, Monetary and Economic Policy: $241,732 Year: 2002, Services to U.S. Treasury and Gov't Agencies: $286,729 Year: 2002, Services to Financial Institutions and the Public: $603,385 Year: 2002, Supervision and Regulation: $463,349 Year: 2002, Fee Based Services to Financial Institutions: $937,317 Year: 2003 Year: 2003, Total: $2,620,538 Year: 2003, Monetary and Economic Policy: $263,221 Year: 2003, Services to U.S. Treasury and Gov't Agencies: $307,868 Year: 2003, Services to Financial Institutions and the Public: $627,119 Year: 2003, Supervision and Regulation: $493,569 Year: 2003, Fee Based Services to Financial Institutions: $928,762 Year: 2004 Year: 2004, Total: $2,517,679 Year: 2004, Monetary and Economic Policy: $259,263 Year: 2004, Services to U.S. Treasury and Gov't Agencies: $350,158 Year: 2004, Services to Financial Institutions and the Public: $608,075 Year: 2004, Supervision and Regulation: $483,315 Year: 2004, Fee Based Services to Financial Institutions: $816,868 Year: 2005 Year: 2005, Total: $2,597,013 Year: 2005, Monetary and Economic Policy: $290,839 Year: 2005, Services to U.S. Treasury and Gov't Agencies: $376,164 Year: 2005, Services to Financial Institutions and the Public: $660,496 Year: 2005, Supervision and Regulation: $508,920 Year: 2005, Fee Based Services to Financial Institutions: $760,594 Year: 2006 Estimate Year: 2006 Estimate, Total: $2,800,148 Year: 2006 Estimate, Monetary and Economic Policy: $322,652 Year: 2006 Estimate, Services to U.S. Treasury and Gov't Agencies: $408,962 Year: 2006 Estimate, Services to Financial Institutions and the Public: $710,824 Year: 2006 Estimate, Supervision and Regulation: $555,820 Year: 2006 Estimate, Fee Based Services to Financial Institutions: v$801,890 Year: 2007 Budget Year: 2007 Budget, Total: $2,953,331 Year: 2007 Budget, Monetary and Economic Policy: $343,606 Year: 2007 Budget, Services to U.S. Treasury and Gov't Agencies: $442,689 Year: 2007 Budget, Services to Financial Institutions and the Public: $738,599 Year: 2007 Budget, Supervision and Regulation: $601,173 Year: 2007 Budget, Fee Based Services to Financial Institutions: $827,264 Year: AAGR 2002-2007 Year: AAGR 2002-2007, Total: 3.1% Year: AAGR 2002-2007, Monetary and Economic Policy: 7.3% Year: AAGR 2002-2007, Services to U.S. Treasury and Gov't Agencies: 9.1% Year: AAGR 2002-2007, Services to Financial Institutions and the Public: 4.1% Year: AAGR 2002-2007, Supervision and Regulation: 5.3% Year: AAGR 2002-2007, Fee Based Services to Financial Institutions: -2.5% 14 Table 4 2007 Final Budget TOTAL EMPLOYMENT OF THE FEDERAL RESERVE BANKS [Begin footnote 1. Includes average number of personnel at FRIT and OEB. End footnote 1.] by Service Line (Average Number of Personnel) [Begin Header Row. Column 1: Year. Column 2: Total. Column 3: Monetary and Economic Policy. Column 4: Services to U.S. Treasury and Gov't Agencies. Column 5: Services to Financial Institutions and the Public. Column 6: Supervision and Regulation. Column 7: Fee Based Services to Financial Institutions [Begin footnote 2. The decrease in 2004 to 2005 in Fee Based Services to Financial Institutions ANP reflects an accounting change that resulted in a shift of 554 ANP to national support included in the Support, Overhead, and Centralized Providers category. End footnote 2.]. Column 8: Support, Overhead, and Centralized Providers. End Header Row. Year: 2002 Year: 2002, Total: 22,993 Year: 2002, Monetary and Economic Policy: 856 Year: 2002, Services to U.S. Treasury and Gov't Agencies: 1,291 Year: 2002, Services to Financial Institutions and the Public: 2,848 Year: 2002, Supervision and Regulation: 2,604 Year: 2002, Fee Based Services to Financial Institutions [Begin footnote 2. The decrease in 2004 to 2005 in Fee Based Services to Financial Institutions ANP reflects an accounting change that resulted in a shift of 554 ANP to national support included in the Support, Overhead, and Centralized Providers category. End footnote 2.]: 5,139 Year: 2002, Support, Overhead, and Centralized Providers: 10,255 Year: 2003 Year: 2003, Total: 21,927 Year: 2003, Monetary and Economic Policy: 862 Year: 2003, Services to U.S. Treasury and Gov't Agencies: 1,221 Year: 2003, Services to Financial Institutions and the Public: 2,769 Year: 2003, Supervision and Regulation: 2,577 Year: 2003, Fee Based Services to Financial Institutions [Begin footnote 2. The decrease in 2004 to 2005 in Fee Based Services to Financial Institutions ANP reflects an accounting change that resulted in a shift of 554 ANP to national support included in the Support, Overhead, and Centralized Providers category. End footnote 2.]: 4,701 Year: 2003, Support, Overhead, and Centralized Providers: 9,797 Year: 2004 Year: 2004, Total: 20,857 Year: 2004, Monetary and Economic Policy: 845 Year: 2004, Services to U.S. Treasury and Gov't Agencies: 1,301 Year: 2004, Services to Financial Institutions and the Public: 2,698 Year: 2004, Supervision and Regulation: 2,562 Year: 2004, Fee Based Services to Financial Institutions [Begin footnote 2. The decrease in 2004 to 2005 in Fee Based Services to Financial Institutions ANP reflects an accounting change that resulted in a shift of 554 ANP to national support included in the Support, Overhead, and Centralized Providers category. End footnote 2.]: 4,347 Year: 2004, Support, Overhead, and Centralized Providers: 9,104 Year: 2005 Year: 2005, Total: 19,930 Year: 2005, Monetary and Economic Policy: 877 Year: 2005, Services to U.S. Treasury and Gov't Agencies: 1,288 Year: 2005, Services to Financial Institutions and the Public: 2,683 Year: 2005, Supervision and Regulation: 2,538 Year: 2005, Fee Based Services to Financial Institutions [Begin footnote 2. The decrease in 2004 to 2005 in Fee Based Services to Financial Institutions ANP reflects an accounting change that resulted in a shift of 554 ANP to national support included in the Support, Overhead, and Centralized Providers category. End footnote 2.]: 3,322 Year: 2005, Support, Overhead, and Centralized Providers: 9,223 Year: 2006 Estimate Year: 2006 Estimate, Total: 19,885 Year: 2006 Estimate, Monetary and Economic Policy: 918 Year: 2006 Estimate, Services to U.S. Treasury and Gov't Agencies: 1,270 Year: 2006 Estimate, Services to Financial Institutions and the Public: 2,648 Year: 2006 Estimate, Supervision and Regulation: v2,658 Year: 2006 Estimate, Fee Based Services to Financial Institutions [Begin footnote 2. The decrease in 2004 to 2005 in Fee Based Services to Financial Institutions ANP reflects an accounting change that resulted in a shift of 554 ANP to national support included in the Support, Overhead, and Centralized Providers category. End footnote 2.]: 3,098 Year: 2006 Estimate, Support, Overhead, and Centralized Providers: 9,293 Year: 2007 Budget Year: 2007 Budget, Total: 19,828 Year: 2007 Budget, Monetary and Economic Policy: 928 Year: 2007 Budget, Services to U.S. Treasury and Gov't Agencies: 1,289 Year: 2007 Budget, Services to Financial Institutions and the Public: 2,707 Year: 2007 Budget, Supervision and Regulation: 2,676 Year: 2007 Budget, Fee Based Services to Financial Institutions [Begin footnote 2. The decrease in 2004 to 2005 in Fee Based Services to Financial Institutions ANP reflects an accounting change that resulted in a shift of 554 ANP to national support included in the Support, Overhead, and Centralized Providers category. End footnote 2.]: 2,747 Year: 2007 Budget, Support, Overhead, and Centralized Providers: 9,481 Year: AAGR 2002-2007 Year: AAGR 2002-2007, Total: -2.9% Year: AAGR 2002-2007, Monetary and Economic Policy: 1.6% Year: AAGR 2002-2007, Services to U.S. Treasury and Gov't Agencies: 0.0% Year: AAGR 2002-2007, Services to Financial Institutions and the Public: -1.0% Year: AAGR 2002-2007, Supervision and Regulation: 0.5% Year: AAGR 2002-2007, Fee Based Services to Financial Institutions [Begin footnote 2. The decrease in 2004 to 2005 in Fee Based Services to Financial Institutions ANP reflects an accounting change that resulted in a shift of 554 ANP to national support included in the Support, Overhead, and Centralized Providers category. End footnote 2.]: -11.8% Year: AAGR 2002-2007, Support, Overhead, and Centralized Providers: -1.6% 15 Table 5 2007 Final Budget SALARY ADMINISTRATION EXPENSES OF THE FEDERAL RESERVE BANKS Officers and Employees by District, 2007 (Dollars in Thousands) Merit: the amount of budgeted salary expense that reflects the cumulative effect of planned salary increases based on performance. Promo & Reclass: the amount of budgeted salary expense that reflects the cumulative impact of salary increases for individuals as a result of grade promotions and reclassifications resulting from a job evaluation. Market Adjustment: the amount of budgeted salary expense to bring individual salaries to the minimum of a grade range or to better align salaries with the market. Cash Awards: the change in the amount of payments for awards in recognition of exceptional achievements. Incentive Payments: the change in the amount of other personnel expense that represent payments for the achievement of pre-determined goals. Begin Header Row. Column 1: District. Column 2: Additions to Salary Base Merit. Column 3: Additions to Salary Base Promo & Reclass. Column 4: Additions to Salary Base Market Adjustment. Column 5: Additions to Salary Base Subtotal. Column 6: Variable Pay (Change 06E-07B) Cash Awards. Column 7: Variable Pay (Change 06E-07B) Incentive Payments. Column 8: Variable Pay (Change 06E-07B) Subtotal. Column 9: Total. Column 10: Percent [Begin footnote 1. Percent represents the total of the stated payments as a percentage of total salary and other personnel expense. End footnote 1.] End Header Row. Begin Header Row. Column 1: District. Column 2: Additions to Salary Base Merit. Column 3: Additions to Salary Base Promo & Reclass. Column 4: Additions to Salary Base Market Adjustment. Column 5: Additions to Salary Base Subtotal. Column 6: Variable Pay (Change 06E-07B) Cash Awards. Column 7: Variable Pay (Change 06E-07B) Incentive Payments. Column 8: Variable Pay (Change 06E-07B) Subtotal. Column 9: Total. Column 10: Percent [Begin footnote 1. Percent represents the total of the stated payments as a percentage of total salary and other personnel expense. End footnote 1.] End Header Row. District: Boston District: Boston, Additions to Salary Base Merit: $2,584 District: Boston, Additions to Salary Base Promo & Reclass: $441 District: Boston, Additions to Salary Base Market Adjustment: $383 District: Boston, Additions to Salary Base Subtotal: 4.3% District: Boston, Variable Pay (Change 06E-07B) Cash Awards: $68 District: Boston, Variable Pay (Change 06E-07B) Incentive Payments: $781 District: Boston, Variable Pay (Change 06E-07B) Subtotal.: 1.1% District: Boston, Total: $4,256 District: Boston, Percent [Begin footnote 1. Percent represents the total of the stated payments as a percentage of total salary and other personnel expense. End footnote 1.]: 5.4% District: New York District: New York: Additions to Salary Base Merit: $11,043 District: New York: Additions to Salary Base Promo & Reclass: $2,996 District: New York: Additions to Salary Base Market Adjustment: $2,484 District: New York: Additions to Salary Base Subtotal: 5.4% District: New York: Variable Pay (Change 06E-07B) Cash Awards: $246 District: New York: Variable Pay (Change 06E-07B) Incentive Payments: $2,171 District: New York: Variable Pay (Change 06E-07B) Subtotal.: 0.8% District: New York: Total: $18,940 District: New York: Percent [Begin footnote 1. Percent represents the total of the stated payments as a percentage of total salary and other personnel expense. End footnote 1.]: 6.2% District: Philadelphia District: Philadelphia: Additions to Salary Base Merit: $2,073 District: Philadelphia: Additions to Salary Base Promo & Reclass: $417 District: Philadelphia: Additions to Salary Base Market Adjustment: $189 District: Philadelphia: Additions to Salary Base Subtotal: 3.8% District: Philadelphia: Variable Pay (Change 06E-07B) Cash Awards: $71 District: Philadelphia: Variable Pay (Change 06E-07B) Incentive Payments: $382 District: Philadelphia: Variable Pay (Change 06E-07B) Subtotal.: 0.6% District: Philadelphia: Total: $3,132 District: Philadelphia: Percent [Begin footnote 1. Percent represents the total of the stated payments as a percentage of total salary and other personnel expense. End footnote 1.]: 4.5% District: Cleveland District: Cleveland, Additions to Salary Base Merit: $3,072 District: Cleveland, Additions to Salary Base Promo & Reclass: $743 District: Cleveland, Additions to Salary Base Market Adjustment: $440 District: Cleveland, Additions to Salary Base Subtotal: 4.6% District: Cleveland, Variable Pay (Change 06E-07B) Cash Awards: $436 District: Cleveland, Variable Pay (Change 06E-07B) Incentive Payments: $166 District: Cleveland, Variable Pay (Change 06E-07B) Subtotal.: 0.7% District: Cleveland, Total: $4,857 District: Cleveland, Percent [Begin footnote 1. Percent represents the total of the stated payments as a percentage of total salary and other personnel expense. End footnote 1.]: 5.3% District: Richmond District: Richmond, Additions to Salary Base Merit: $4,128 District: Richmond, Additions to Salary Base Promo & Reclass: $1,084 District: Richmond, Additions to Salary Base Market Adjustment: $388 District: Richmond, Additions to Salary Base Subtotal: 4.4% District: Richmond, Variable Pay (Change 06E-07B) Cash Awards: $263 District: Richmond, Variable Pay (Change 06E-07B) Incentive Payments: $214 District: Richmond, Variable Pay (Change 06E-07B) Subtotal.: 0.4% District: Richmond, Total: $6,077 District: Richmond, Percent [Begin footnote 1. Percent represents the total of the stated payments as a percentage of total salary and other personnel expense. End footnote 1.]: 4.8% District: Atlanta District: Atlanta, Additions to Salary Base Merit: $3,798 District: Atlanta, Additions to Salary Base Promo & Reclass: $1,591 District: Atlanta, Additions to Salary Base Market Adjustment: $1,532 District: Atlanta, Additions to Salary Base Subtotal: 5.2% District: Atlanta, Variable Pay (Change 06E-07B) Cash Awards: $437 District: Atlanta, Variable Pay (Change 06E-07B) Incentive Payments: $566 District: Atlanta, Variable Pay (Change 06E-07B) Subtotal.: 0.8% District: Atlanta, Total: $7,924 District: Atlanta, Percent [Begin footnote 1. Percent represents the total of the stated payments as a percentage of total salary and other personnel expense. End footnote 1.]: 6.0% District: Chicago District: Chicago, Additions to Salary Base Merit: $3,814 District: Chicago, Additions to Salary Base Promo & Reclass: $300 District: Chicago, Additions to Salary Base Market Adjustment: $589 District: Chicago, Additions to Salary Base Subtotal: 4.1% District: Chicago, Variable Pay (Change 06E-07B) Cash Awards: $110 District: Chicago, Variable Pay (Change 06E-07B) Incentive Payments: $135 District: Chicago, Variable Pay (Change 06E-07B) Subtotal.: v0.2% District: Chicago, Total: $4,947 District: Chicago, Percent [Begin footnote 1. Percent represents the total of the stated payments as a percentage of total salary and other personnel expense. End footnote 1.]: 4.3% District: St. Louis District: St. Louis, Additions to Salary Base Merit: $2,666 District: St. Louis, Additions to Salary Base Promo & Reclass: $383 District: St. Louis, Additions to Salary Base Market Adjustment: $260 District: St. Louis, Additions to Salary Base Subtotal: 4.3% District: St. Louis, Variable Pay (Change 06E-07B) Cash Awards: $44 District: St. Louis, Variable Pay (Change 06E-07B) Incentive Payments: $488 District: St. Louis, Variable Pay (Change 06E-07B) Subtotal.: 0.7% District: St. Louis, Total: $3,841 District: St. Louis, Percent [Begin footnote 1. Percent represents the total of the stated payments as a percentage of total salary and other personnel expense. End footnote 1.]: 5.0% District: Minneapolis District: Minneapolis, Additions to Salary Base Merit: $2,453 District: Minneapolis, Additions to Salary Base Promo & Reclass: $350 District: Minneapolis, Additions to Salary Base Market Adjustment: $0 District: Minneapolis, Additions to Salary Base Subtotal: 3.7% District: Minneapolis, Variable Pay (Change 06E-07B) Cash Awards: $330 District: Minneapolis, Variable Pay (Change 06E-07B) Incentive Payments: $33 District: Minneapolis, Variable Pay (Change 06E-07B) Subtotal.: 0.5% District: Minneapolis, Total: $3,167 District: Minneapolis, Percent [Begin footnote 1. Percent represents the total of the stated payments as a percentage of total salary and other personnel expense. End footnote 1.]: 4.1% District: Kansas City District: Kansas City, Additions to Salary Base Merit: $3,134 District: Kansas City, Additions to Salary Base Promo & Reclass: $879 District: Kansas City, Additions to Salary Base Market Adjustment: $560 District: Kansas City, Additions to Salary Base Subtotal: 5.0% District: Kansas City, Variable Pay (Change 06E-07B) Cash Awards: -$263 District: Kansas City, Variable Pay (Change 06E-07B) Incentive Payments: $1,046 District: Kansas City, Variable Pay (Change 06E-07B) Subtotal.: 0.9% District: Kansas City, Total: $5,357 District: Kansas City, Percent [Begin footnote 1. Percent represents the total of the stated payments as a percentage of total salary and other personnel expense. End footnote 1.]: 5.8% District: Dallas District: Dallas, Additions to Salary Base Merit: $2,609 District: Dallas, Additions to Salary Base Promo & Reclass: $60 District: Dallas, Additions to Salary Base Market Adjustment: $123 District: Dallas, Additions to Salary Base Subtotal: 3.4% District: Dallas, Variable Pay (Change 06E-07B) Cash Awards: $17 District: Dallas, Variable Pay (Change 06E-07B) Incentive Payments: $260 District: Dallas, Variable Pay (Change 06E-07B) Subtotal.: 0.3% District: Dallas, Total: $3,068 District: Dallas, Percent [Begin footnote 1. Percent represents the total of the stated payments as a percentage of total salary and other personnel expense. End footnote 1.]: 3.7% District: San Francisco District: San Francisco, Additions to Salary Base Merit: $5,504 District: San Francisco, Additions to Salary Base Promo & Reclass: $1,682 District: San Francisco, Additions to Salary Base Market Adjustment: $292 District: San Francisco, Additions to Salary Base Subtotal: 5.0% District: San Francisco, Variable Pay (Change 06E-07B) Cash Awards: $484 District: San Francisco, Variable Pay (Change 06E-07B) Incentive Payments: $1,253 District: San Francisco, Variable Pay (Change 06E-07B) Subtotal.: 1.2% District: San Francisco, Total: $9,215 District: San Francisco, Percent [Begin footnote 1. Percent represents the total of the stated payments as a percentage of total salary and other personnel expense. End footnote 1.]: 6.2% District: FRIT District: FRIT, Additions to Salary Base Merit: $2,353 District: FRIT, Additions to Salary Base Promo & Reclass: $588 District: FRIT, Additions to Salary Base Market Adjustment: $0 District: FRIT, Additions to Salary Base Subtotal: 3.7% District: FRIT, Variable Pay (Change 06E-07B) Cash Awards: $32 District: FRIT, Variable Pay (Change 06E-07B) Incentive Payments: $166 District: FRIT, Variable Pay (Change 06E-07B) Subtotal.: 0.2% District: FRIT, Total: $3,230 District: FRIT, Percent [Begin footnote 1. Percent represents the total of the stated payments as a percentage of total salary and other personnel expense. End footnote 1.]: 4.1% District: OEB District: OEB, Additions to Salary Base Merit: $184 District: OEB, Additions to Salary Base Promo & Reclass: $74 District: OEB, Additions to Salary Base Market Adjustment: $0 District: OEB, Additions to Salary Base Subtotal: 4.9% District: OEB, Variable Pay (Change 06E-07B) Cash Awards: $0 District: OEB, Variable Pay (Change 06E-07B) Incentive Payments: $80 District: OEB, Variable Pay (Change 06E-07B) Subtotal.: 1.5% District: OEB, Total: $267 District: OEB, Percent [Begin footnote 1. Percent represents the total of the stated payments as a percentage of total salary and other personnel expense. End footnote 1.]: 5.1% District: Total District: Total, Additions to Salary Base Merit: $49,415 District: Total, Additions to Salary Base Promo & Reclass: $11,587 District: Total, Additions to Salary Base Market Adjustment: $7,239 District: Total, Additions to Salary Base Subtotal: 4.6% District: Total, Variable Pay (Change 06E-07B) Cash Awards: $2,275 District: Total, Variable Pay (Change 06E-07B) Incentive Payments: $7,741 District: Total, Variable Pay (Change 06E-07B) Subtotal.: 0.7% District: Total, Total: $78,256 District: Total, Percent [Begin footnote 1. Percent represents the total of the stated payments as a percentage of total salary and other personnel expense. End footnote 1.]: 5.3% 16 Table 6 2007 Final Budget CAPITAL OUTLAYS OF THE FEDERAL RESERVE BANKS by District, 2006 and 2007 (Dollars in Thousands) Begin Header Row. Column 1: District. Column 2: 2006 Budget. Column 3: 2006 Estimate. Column 4: 2007 Budget. Column 5: Percent Change 06B to 06E. Column 6: Percent Change 06E to 07B. End Header Row. Begin Header Row. Column 1: District. Column 2: 2006 Budget. Column 3: 2006 Estimate. Column 4: 2007 Budget. Column 5: Percent Change 06B to 06E. Column 6: Percent Change 06E to 07B. End Header Row. District: Boston District: Boston, 2006 Budget: $24,843 District: Boston, 2006 Estimate: $21,697 District: Boston, 2007 Budget: $18,334 District: Boston, Percent Change 06B to 06E: -12.7% District: Boston, Percent Change 06E to 07B: -15.5% District: New York District: New York, 2006 Budget: $69,737 District: New York, 2006 Estimate: $62,847 District: New York, 2007 Budget: $77,456 District: New York, Percent Change 06B to 06E: -9.9% District: New York, Percent Change 06E to 07B: 23.2% District: Philadelphia District: Philadelphia, 2006 Budget: $20,966 District: Philadelphia, 2006 Estimate: $16,553 District: Philadelphia, 2007 Budget: $23,361 District: Philadelphia, Percent Change 06B to 06E: -21.0% District: Philadelphia, Percent Change 06E to 07B: 41.1% District: Cleveland District: Cleveland, 2006 Budget: $28,157 District: Cleveland, 2006 Estimate: $23,404 District: Cleveland, 2007 Budget: $24,161 District: Cleveland, Percent Change 06B to 06E: -16.9% District: Cleveland, Percent Change 06E to 07B: 3.2% District: Richmond District: Richmond, 2006 Budget: $58,623 District: Richmond, 2006 Estimate: $36,005 District: Richmond, 2007 Budget: $59,717 District: Richmond, Percent Change 06B to 06E: -38.6% District: Richmond, Percent Change 06E to 07B: 65.9% District: Atlanta District: Atlanta, 2006 Budget: $17,335 District: Atlanta, 2006 Estimate: $22,863 District: Atlanta, 2007 Budget: $32,928 District: Atlanta, Percent Change 06B to 06E: 31.9% District: Atlanta, Percent Change 06E to 07B: 44.0% District: Chicago District: Chicago, 2006 Budget: $20,841 District: Chicago, 2006 Estimate: $25,418 District: Chicago, 2007 Budget: $20,633 District: Chicago, Percent Change 06B to 06E: 22.0% District: Chicago, Percent Change 06E to 07B: -18.8% District: St. Louis District: St. Louis, 2006 Budget: $42,743 District: St. Louis, 2006 Estimate: $29,503 District: St. Louis, 2007 Budget: $43,559 District: St. Louis, Percent Change 06B to 06E: -31.0% District: St. Louis, Percent Change 06E to 07B: 47.6% District: Minneapolis District: Minneapolis, 2006 Budget: $4,782 District: Minneapolis, 2006 Estimate: $5,258 District: Minneapolis, 2007 Budget: $5,131 District: Minneapolis, Percent Change 06B to 06E: 9.9% District: Minneapolis, Percent Change 06E to 07B: -2.4% District: Kansas City District: Kansas City, 2006 Budget: $74,738 District: Kansas City, 2006 Estimate: $89,726 District: Kansas City, 2007 Budget: $150,440 District: Kansas City, Percent Change 06B to 06E: 20.1% District: Kansas City, Percent Change 06E to 07B: 67.7% District: Dallas District: Dallas, 2006 Budget: $9,874 District: Dallas, 2006 Estimate: $13,052 District: Dallas, 2007 Budget: $17,318 District: Dallas, Percent Change 06B to 06E: 32.2% District: Dallas, Percent Change 06E to 07B: 32.7% District: San Francisco District: San Francisco, 2006 Budget: v$49,753 District: San Francisco, 2006 Estimate: $51,731 District: San Francisco, 2007 Budget: $49,669 District: San Francisco, Percent Change 06B to 06E: 4.0% District: San Francisco, Percent Change 06E to 07B: -4.0% District: Subtotal District: Subtotal, 2006 Budget: $422,392 District: Subtotal, 2006 Estimate: $398,057 District: Subtotal, 2007 Budget: $522,708 District: Subtotal, Percent Change 06B to 06E: -5.8% District: Subtotal, Percent Change 06E to 07B: 31.3% District: FRIT District: FRIT, 2006 Budget: $51,771 District: FRIT, 2006 Estimate: $53,546 District: FRIT, 2007 Budget: $68,115 District: FRIT, Percent Change 06B to 06E: 3.4% District: FRIT, Percent Change 06E to 07B: 27.2% District: OEB District: OEB, 2006 Budget: $0 District: OEB, 2006 Estimate: $150 District: OEB, 2007 Budget: $800 District: OEB, Percent Change 06B to 06E: N/A District: OEB, Percent Change 06E to 07B: N/A District: Total District: Total, 2006 Budget: $474,163 District: Total, 2006 Estimate: $451,753 District: Total, 2007 Budget: $591,623 District: Total, Percent Change 06B to 06E: -4.7% District: Total, Percent Change 06E to 07B: 31.0% 17 Table 7 2007 Final Budget CAPITAL OUTLAYS OF THE FEDERAL RESERVE BANKS [Begin footnote 1. Capital outlays for the Federal Reserve System include the twelve Districts, FRIT, and OEB. End footnote 1.] by Category, 2006 and 2007 (Dollars in Thousands) Begin Header Row. Column 1. Column 2: 2006 Budget. Column 3: 2006 Estimate. Column 4: 2007 Budget. Column 5: Percent Change 06B to 06E. Column 6: Percent Change 06E to 07B. Begin Header Row. Column 1. Column 2: 2006 Budget. Column 3: 2006 Estimate. Column 4: 2007 Budget. Column 5: Percent Change 06B to 06E. Column 6: Percent Change 06E to 07B. Building Related Projects and Facility Improvements Building Related Projects and Facility Improvements, 2006 Budget: $252,029 Building Related Projects and Facility Improvements, 2006 Estimate: $240,399 Building Related Projects and Facility Improvements, 2007 Budget: $314,478 Building Related Projects and Facility Improvements, Percent Change 06B to 06E: -4.6% Building Related Projects and Facility Improvements, Percent Change 06E to 07B: 30.8% Payment System Improvement Initiatives Payment System Improvement Initiatives: Retail Payment Initiatives Payment System Improvement Initiatives: Retail Payment Initiatives, 2006 Budget: $18,924 Payment System Improvement Initiatives: Retail Payment Initiatives, 2006 Estimate: $52,499 Payment System Improvement Initiatives: Retail Payment Initiatives, 2007 Budget: $61,581 Payment System Improvement Initiatives: Retail Payment Initiatives, Percent Change 06B to 06E: 177.4% Payment System Improvement Initiatives: Retail Payment Initiatives, Percent Change 06E to 07B: 17.3% Payment System Improvement Initiatives: Cash Services Initiatives Payment System Improvement Initiatives: Cash Services Initiatives, 2006 Budget: $11,368 Payment System Improvement Initiatives: Cash Services Initiatives, 2006 Estimate: $10,921 Payment System Improvement Initiatives: Cash Services Initiatives, 2007 Budget: $25,153 Payment System Improvement Initiatives: Cash Services Initiatives, Percent Change 06B to 06E: -3.9% Payment System Improvement Initiatives: Cash Services Initiatives, Percent Change 06E to 07B: 130.3% Payment System Improvement Initiatives: Treasury Initiatives Payment System Improvement Initiatives: Treasury Initiatives, 2006 Budget: $50,246 Payment System Improvement Initiatives: Treasury Initiatives, 2006 Estimate: $51,141 Payment System Improvement Initiatives: Treasury Initiatives, 2007 Budget: $39,660 Payment System Improvement Initiatives: Treasury Initiatives, Percent Change 06B to 06E: 1.8% Payment System Improvement Initiatives: Treasury Initiatives, Percent Change 06E to 07B: -22.4% Automation and Communication Initiatives Automation and Communication Initiatives, 2006 Budget: $72,966 Automation and Communication Initiatives, 2006 Estimate: $52,892 Automation and Communication Initiatives, 2007 Budget: $76,103 Automation and Communication Initiatives, Percent Change 06B to 06E: -27.5% Automation and Communication Initiatives, Percent Change 06E to 07B: 43.9% Security Enhancements Security Enhancements, 2006 Budget: $64,156 Security Enhancements, 2006 Estimate: $37,600 Security Enhancements, 2007 Budget: $69,368 Security Enhancements, Percent Change 06B to 06E: -41.4% Security Enhancements, Percent Change 06E to 07B: 84.5% Miscellaneous [Begin footnote 2. Miscellaneous includes other equipment and software not falling into the other defined categories. End footnote 2.] Miscellaneous [Begin footnote 2. Miscellaneous includes other equipment and software not falling into the other defined categories. End footnote 2.], 2006 Budget: $4,472 Miscellaneous [Begin footnote 2. Miscellaneous includes other equipment and software not falling into the other defined categories. End footnote 2.], 2006 Estimate: $6,301 Miscellaneous [Begin footnote 2. Miscellaneous includes other equipment and software not falling into the other defined categories. End footnote 2.], 2007 Budget: $5,279 Miscellaneous [Begin footnote 2. Miscellaneous includes other equipment and software not falling into the other defined categories. End footnote 2.], Percent Change 06B to 06E: 40.9% Miscellaneous [Begin footnote 2. Miscellaneous includes other equipment and software not falling into the other defined categories. End footnote 2.], Percent Change 06E to 07B: -16.2% TOTAL TOTAL, 2006 Budget: $474,162 TOTAL, 2006 Estimate: $451,753 TOTAL, 2007 Budget: $591,623 TOTAL, Percent Change 06B to 06E: -4.7% TOTAL, Percent Change 06E to 07B: 31.0%