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Consumer Compliance Handbook binder cover

Consumer Compliance Handbook

Manual by Section

About this Handbook

About, Contents (101 KB PDF)

I. Risk-Focused Consumer Compliance Supervision Framework

Risk-Focused Consumer Compliance Supervision (48 KB PDF)

II. Deposit-Related Regulations and Statutes

Regulation E: Electronic Fund Transfers (176 KB PDF)

Regulations Q and D: Interest on Demand Deposits/Reserve Requirements (95 KB PDF)

Regulation CC: Availability of Funds and Collection of Checks (353 KB PDF)

Regulation DD: Truth in Savings (168 KB PDF)

III. Credit-Related Regulations and Statutes

Regulation C: Home Mortgage Disclosure (240 KB PDF)

Regulation H: Flood Insurance (139 KB PDF)

Fair Credit Reporting (231 KB PDF)

Regulation Z: Truth in Lending (424 KB PDF)

Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (107 KB PDF)

Homeowners Protection Act (140 KB PDF)

Homeownership Counseling (57 KB PDF)

Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act (179 KB PDF)

IV. Other Regulations, Rules, Policies, and Statutes

Regulation G: Disclosure and Reporting of CRA-Related Agreements (CRA Sunshine Requirements) (84 KB PDF)

Regulation H: Section 109 of the Riegle-Neal Interstate Banking and Branching Efficiency Act (202 KB PDF)

Regulation M: Consumer Leasing (124 KB PDF)

Regulation P: Privacy of Consumer Financial Information (283 KB PDF)

Regulation AA: Unfair or Deceptive Acts or Practices: Credit Practices Rule (102 KB PDF)

Federal Trade Commission Act--Section 5 (71.2 KB PDF)

Branch Closings (89 KB PDF)

Children's Online Privacy Protection Act (136 KB PDF)

Right to Financial Privacy Act (78 KB PDF)

V. Federal Fair Lending Regulations and Statutes

Fair Lending Regulations and Statutes: Overview (60 KB PDF)

Fair Lending Regulations and Statutes: Regulation B (Equal Credit Opportunity) (84 KB PDF)

Fair Lending Regulations and Statutes: Fair Housing Act (56 KB PDF)

Fair Lending Regulations and Statutes: Examination Procedures (420 KB PDF)

Fair Lending Regulations and Statutes: Alternative Examination Approach for Low-Risk Banks (37 KB PDF)

VI. Community Reinvestment Act

Regulation BB: Community Reinvestment (35 KB PDF)

Small Institutions (43 KB PDF)

Intermediate Small Institutions (7 KB PDF)

Large Institutions (126 KB PDF)

Wholesale or Limited-Purpose Institutions (10 KB PDF)

Institutions with Strategic Plans (10 KB PDF)

Supplementary Guidance (82 KB PDF)