[NIFL-ESL:9395] Re: Accept English Only donation?

From: Tyler E. Johnson (yakup2@ht.rol.cn.net)
Date: Thu Sep 04 2003 - 10:40:37 EDT

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From: "Tyler E. Johnson" <yakup2@ht.rol.cn.net>
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Subject: [NIFL-ESL:9395] Re: Accept English Only donation?
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  "English-Only Laws anywhere in this country are a threat to Bilingual
Education everywhere!"

Dear All,
Allow me to play the Devil's advocate for a moment and note that, although I am
also disgusted by the U.S. educational system's
attitude toward the learning of languages- even proper English- think of this.

Because the majority of the American population has never had real contact with
other cultures (e.g. living in a foreign country),
most do not know how to deal with people who don't speak english. In Europe or
even here in China where they are accustomed
to people who don't speak a word of their language, and they perhaps don't speak
a word of English, people know how to deal
with these situations.
On the flip side, your average Joe in the grocery store or at the DMV likely has
no idea how to piece together a conversation from
a less-than-fluent foreigner, or a very hard time doing so.

Basically, would forcing  someone (especially children) to learn English (if
they live in the states) really hurt them?

In most other countries (especially Europe) I don't think this priciple would
apply. But in the good ol' U.S.....

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