[NIFL-ESL:9125] RE: FW: [AAACE-NLA] Adult Literacy: What's Hot and What's Not

From: Sylvan Rainwater (sylvan@cccchs.org)
Date: Tue Jul 08 2003 - 18:48:08 EDT

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-----Original Message-----
From: nifl-esl@nifl.gov [mailto:nifl-esl@nifl.gov] On Behalf Of Lynda
Sent: Wednesday, July 02, 2003 9:31 AM

 -----Original Message-----
From: Thomas Sticht [mailto:tsticht@znet.com]
Sent: Tuesday, July 01, 2003 10:23 PM
To: aaace-nla@lists.literacytent.org

July 1, 2003

Adult Literacy: What's Hot and What's Not in 2003?
Tom Sticht

>> The foregoing 7 lists include two which were at one time very active. In
1999 the Learning Disabilities list posted some 1161 messages, or about
6.4 messages per day. If the present rate of postings stays constant, the
LD list will post only 76 messages in 2003, a dramatic fall from 1999. Why
has LD dropped so much?

*** My guess about most of these topics that have dropped is that they have
been incorporated into other lists. I know I've seen LD postings, for
example, in the last few days on another list.

*** I know that for me, I'm on 4 lists (all in the top list), and just
really don't want to be on more, even though they address topics of interest
to me. For many people being on 1 list is a lot. I'm not sure that having
separate lists for many of these topics is useful, and I'm guessing that's
why they are underutilized.

>> The ESL list continues to rack up high postings as it has for over  5

*** Well, of course. Many of us teach ESL. We don't *just* teach ESL -- we
are also involved with assessment, with technology, with LD, with putting
research into practice, with issues of poverty and race, and other things. I
would rather discuss those things on one list, and put them into the context
of teaching ESL, than to have to join a separate list where the issues are
considered in isolation.

*** I think the issue becomes what is a reasonable focus for an e-mail list?
When is it too broad and when is it too narrow? It doesn't mean that people
have no interest in a particular topic, but that it is perhaps too narrow to
sustain a list-wide interest on its own. The lists I've joined are lists
that I hope will address issues that I run across in my own practice.

Sylvan Rainwater   .   mailto:sylvan@cccchs.org
Family Literacy Coordinator
Clackamas County Children's Commission/Head Start
Oregon City, Oregon

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