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Yeaton Hall

Yeaton Hall (the former enlisted barracks) is named after Hopley Yeaton. It houses the Leadership and Development Center (LDC) established in 1998 creating an educational center of excellence for the entire Coast Guard-military and civilian, officer and enlisted. The Professional Development department includes the Commanding Officers (CO), Executive Officers (XO) and Operation Officers (OPS) schools; the Chief Warrant Officers Indoctrination (CWOI), the Chief Petty Officers Academy (CPOA), and the Officer Candidate School (OCS) classrooms. It also has the Nautical Science department used by the entire Academy, which includes a bridge simulator named SCANTS.

The Guns
The Guns come from the Boston Lighthouse, the oldest lighthouse still in commission. In yesteryear, lighthouses such as the Boston Light would use these cannon to give periodic audio warnings to ships to stay clear of that particular area. These cannons are now used to render honors during Regimental Review, Academy graduations, ceremonies, and OCS graduations.

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