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Regulatory Information

Federal Reserve Regulatory Service Volume 1 binder cover

Federal Reserve Regulatory Service

Contains all Board regulations plus related statutes, interpretations, policy statements, rulings, and staff opinions. Available as a four-volume loose-leaf set or on CD-ROM. For those with specialized interests, four parts of this service are published separately as handbooks (see below).

Updated monthly

Annual print subscription: $200
Annual CD-ROM subscriptions
   Max. 1 concurrent user: $300
   Max. 10 concurrent users: $750
   Max. 50 concurrent users: $2,000
   Max. 100 concurrent users: $3,000

Subscribers outside the United States should add $50 to cover additional air mail costs.

Monetary Policy and Reserve Requirements Handbook

Federal Reserve Regulatory Handbooks

Parts of the Federal Reserve Regulatory Service published separately. Each contains citation indexes and a subject index.

Consumer and Community Affairs Handbook

Contains Regulations B, C, E, G, H (subpart H), M, P, V, Z, AA, BB, DD, and FF, plus related statutes, commentaries, and policy statements.

Monetary Policy and Reserve Requirements Handbook

Contains Regulations A, D, and Q, plus related statutes, interpretations, and staff opinions.

Payment System Handbook

Contains Regulations CC, J, and EE--dealing with expedited funds availability, check collection, and wire transfers--plus related statutes, commentaries, and policy statements.

Securities Credit Transaction Handbook

Contains Regulations T, U, and X--dealing with extensions of credit for the purchase of securities--plus related statutes, interpretations, rulings, and staff opinions.

Updated monthly

Annual print subscription (each handbook): $75

Annual rates for subscribers outside the United States are as follows and include additional air mail costs: (each handbook): $90.00

Group of Regulation Pamphlets

Regulation Pamphlets

Pamphlets of Board regulations and commentaries. Regulation pamphlets contain both the regulation and the authorizing statute.

Up to 100 copies are available without charge. Additional copies (over 100) are $0.25 each.



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