FEDLINK Services Directory



The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) is a not-for -profit technical professional association committed to providing full text access to its electrical engineering and computer science publications 1988 to present plus selected content back to 1950. In addition to Electronic Library Online, Biomedical Engineering Library, and Information Technology Library, the offeror includes All-Society Periodicals and Proceedings Order Plans. Some products are available through IEEE's Xplore interface. FEDLINK members will benefit from having access to the multiple online collections that IEEE offers, including their electronic library product (IEL) which is a single source to almost a third of the world's electrical engineering and computer science literature. IEEE also provides online databases of journals, conference proceedings and standards. Online usage for subscription periods is unlimited. Please contact the IEEE representative for specifics of the offerings through the FEDLINK program.

  • Service ID: IE
  • LC/FEDLINK BOA#: LC09D7011
  • Transfer Payment Option ONLY
  • Additional pricing terms: Only Transfer Pay accounts available.
  • Mike Petro
    445 Hoes Lane
    Piscataway, NJ 08854-1331
  • (732)562-3992

  • (732)810-0266 fax
  • m.petro@ieee.org

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