FEDLINK Services Directory

G+L WissenschaftlicheBuchhandlung GmbH


Offers firm order services from German publishers predominantly from Germany, Austria, and Switzerland. Materials available include government documents,society and association conference papers and proceedings, grey literature,such as museum produced materials, and looseleaf updates.Can supply various media: CD-ROM, microforms, etc. Please contact vendor for the availability of other European and Asian materials and publishers.

  • Service ID: GL
  • LC/FEDLINK BOA#: LC06G7530
  • Transfer or Direct Payment Options
  • Michael Galda
  • Galda Library Services, Inc.

  • 520 University Ave.
    Madison, WI 53703
  • (608)819-0201

  • (608)819-0202 fax
  • glsbook@world.std.com

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