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The Center provides access to a wide variety of tools and mathematical models that can be used to support the development of TMDLs, waste load allocations, and watershed protection plans. Most of the tools presented here are actively being developed to better serve the needs of the regulatory community. Most of these tools have been enhanced to meet the needs of the TMDL program and continue to be enhanced.

The Center provides brief descriptions and access to the modeling tools from the various tool support pages. Some of the tools can be obtained directly from the Center for all others links are provided.

The tools have been divided into subject matter areas.

Watershed Models - Watershed Tools and/or models (BASINS, Watershed Characterization System, Loading Simulation Program, HSPF, WAMView)

Water Quality Models - WASP, QUAL2K, EPD-RIV1, AQUATOX

Hydrodynamic Models - EFDC, EPD-RIV1

 Tech Center fact sheet (PDF, 2 pp., 733 KB, about PDF)

TMDL fact sheet (PDF, 2 pp., 697 KB, about PDF)

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