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Planning and Implementation
Planning and Implementation

Evaluating the Project

The purpose of the formal evaluation process was for each subgrantee to learn more about its own agency or organization, preferably from those it had served or sought to serve. Each project developed an evaluation plan to gauge its progress in meeting strategic goals and assess whether it was in fact addressing the needs of the community.

Several different processes were used to solicit feedback from collaborators, training participants, peer service agencies, people with disabilities, and other community members who could provide information on the project’s effectiveness. The most specific and useful feedback occurred when subgrantees—

  • Created evaluation instruments that measured the project’s effectiveness, achievement of goals, and benefits to participants.

  • Identified successful project components and changes needed.

  • Created measures that assessed changes in knowledge, skills, behavior, attitude, or conditions for individuals participating in the services or training.

  • Quantified the work being done in terms such as the number of people served and materials distributed, as well as the actual progress made in addressing the need.

  • Evaluated whether the project could be replicated as it was, or if further development would be required.

  • Developed a formal action plan and supporting budget, and used the plan to incorporate evaluation results and achieve the desired goals.
Considering their ambitious plans for creating communitywide social change, it was inevitable that each site’s evaluation would reveal areas where more work was needed. Some subgrantees experienced disappointments and found that their good ideas did not always work in practice, but they learned to view feedback as an impetus to change or amend goals that were not feasible, find different methods to achieve similar outcomes, educate community members about the importance of the issues, create additional partnerships to make their efforts more effective or efficient, and acknowledge difficulties as part of moving ahead, understanding that even the smallest accomplishments contribute to the project’s overall progress.

This document was last updated on October 01, 2008