SEC. 2010. <<NOTE: Grants. 23 USC 402 note.>> MOTORCYCLIST SAFETY.

      (a) Authority To Make Grants.--Subject to the requirements of this section, the Secretary shall make grants to States thatadopt and implement effective programs to reduce the number of single- and multi-vehicle crashes involving motorcyclists.

      (b) Maintenance of Effort.--No grant may be made to a State under this section in a fiscal year unless the State enters into such agreements with the Secretary as the Secretary may require to ensure that the State will maintain its aggregate expenditures from all the other sources for motorcyclist safety training programs and motorcyclist awareness programs at or above the average level of such expenditures in its 2 fiscal years preceding the date of enactment of this Act.

      (c) Allocation.--The amount of a grant made to a State for a fiscal year under this section may not be less than $100,000 and may not exceed 25 percent of the amount apportioned to the State for fiscal year 2003 under section 402 of title 23, United States Code.

      (d) Grant Eligibility.--

        (1) In general.--A State becomes eligible for a grant under this section by adopting or demonstrating to the satisfaction of the Secretary--
          (A) for the first fiscal year for which the State will receive a grant under this section, at least 1 of the 6 criteria listed in paragraph (2); and
          (B) for the second, third, and fourth fiscal years for which the State will receive a grant under this section, at least 2 of the 6 criteria listed in paragraph (2).
        (2) Criteria.--The criteria for eligibility for a grant under this section are the following:
          (A) Motorcycle rider training courses.--An effective motorcycle rider training course that is offered throughout the State, provides a formal program of instruction in accident avoidance and other safety- oriented operational skills to motorcyclists and that may include innovative training opportunities to meet unique regional needs.
          (B) Motorcyclists awareness program.--An effective statewide program to enhance motorist awareness of the presence of motorcyclists on or near roadways and safe driving practices that avoid injuries to motorcyclists. (C) Reduction of fatalities and crashes involving motorcycles.--A reduction for the preceding calendar year in the number of motorcycle fatalities and the rate of motor vehicle crashes involving motorcycles in the State (expressed as a function of 10,000 motorcycle registrations).
          (D) Impaired driving program.--Implementation of a statewide program to reduce impaired driving, including specific measures to reduce impaired motorcycle operation.
          (E) Reduction of fatalities and accidents involving impaired motorcyclists.--A reduction for the preceding calendar year in the number of fatalities and the rate of reported crashes involving alcohol- or drug-impaired motorcycle operators (expressed as a function of 10,000 motorcycle registrations).
          (F) Fees collected from motorcyclists.--All fees collected by the State from motorcyclists for the purposes of funding motorcycle training and safety programs will be used for motorcycle training and safety programs.

      (e) Eligible Uses.—

        (1) In general.--A State may use funds from a grant under this section only for motorcyclist safety training and motorcyclist awareness programs, including--
          (A) improvements to motorcyclist safety training curricula;
          (B) improvements in program delivery of motorcycle training to both urban and rural areas, including--
            (i) procurement or repair of practice motorcycles;
            (ii) instructional materials;
            (iii) mobile training units; and
            (iv) leasing or purchasing facilities for closed-course motorcycle skill training;
          (C) measures designed to increase the recruitment or retention of motorcyclist safety training instructors; and
          (D) public awareness, public service announcements, and other outreach programs to enhance driver awareness of motorcyclists, such as the ``share-the-road'' safety messages developed under subsection (g).
        (2) Suballocations of funds.--An agency of a State that receives a grant under this section may suballocate funds from the grant to a nonprofit organization incorporated in that State to carry out under this section.

      (f) Definitions.--In this section, the following definitions apply:

        (1) Motorcyclist safety training.--The term ``motorcyclist safety training'' means a formal program of instruction that is approved for use in a State by the designated State authority having jurisdiction over motorcyclist safety issues, which may include the State motorcycle safety administrator or a motorcycle advisory council appointed by the Governor of the State.
        (2) Motorcyclist awareness.--The term ``motorcyclist awareness'' means individual or collective awareness of--
          (A) the presence of motorcycles on or near roadways; and
          (B) safe driving practices that avoid injury to motorcyclists.
        (3) Motorcyclist awareness program.--The term ``motorcyclist awareness program'' means an informational or public awareness program designed to enhance motorcyclist awareness that is developed by or in coordination with the designated State authority having jurisdiction over motorcyclist safety issues, which may include the State motorcycle safety administrator or a motorcycle advisory council appointed by the Governor of the State.
        (4) State.--The term ``State'' has the same meaning such term has in section 101(a) of title 23, United States Code.

      (g) <<NOTE: Deadline.>> Share-the-Road Model Language.--Not later than 1 year after the date of enactment of this Act, the Secretary, in consultation with the Administrator of the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, shall develop and provide to the States model language for use in traffic safety education courses, driver's manuals, and other driver's training materials instructing the drivers of motor vehicles on the importance of sharing the roads safely with motorcyclists.