No Child Left Behind: What Parents Need to Know
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More on Local Report Cards

For the first time ever, this law holds schools accountable for reaching out to families and showing them what's happening inside the schoolhouse walls.

Secretary of Education Margaret Spellings

The law requires that you, as a parent, be informed of test results so that you can make good decisions about your child's education. Test results are reported in different ways. First, you'll receive a confidential report on how your own child performed on statewide tests. Then, you may see achievement data on your child's school in your school district's report card. Finally your state will report statewide student achievement information. These report cards will give you the big picture, without glossing over important facts about how children from different groups are doing—those with disabilities or from minority racial/ethnic groups, or whose families are poor.

Sample of Local Report Card Form1

Example of a report card showing student groups and how they do on tests at the school, district and state level.

Source: U.S. Department of Education. 2003. Report Cards, Title I, Part A, Non-Regulatory Guidance, (accessed Aug. 12, 2005).

1 All data should be based on students enrolled for a full academic year.

2 While the goal for percent of students tested is 100 percent, a state, district or school will meet AYP requirements for participation if 95 percent or greater of all students and all subgroups of students are assessed.

3 X = Goal determined by the state.

4 Includes results from all students with disabilities as defined under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, including results from alternate assessments. Does not include results from students covered under section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973.

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Last Modified: 05/31/2006

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