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Andrew W. Breidenbach Environmental Research Center Library

Contact Information

The AWBERC Library is open from 7:30 AM - 5:00 PM, Monday through Friday.

The AWBERC Library may be reached by:
Phone: (513)569-7703
Fax: (513)569-7709
Email: CI_AWBERC_Library@epamail.epa.gov

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About the Library

The Andrew W. Breidenbach Environmental Research Library houses the largest scientific/technical collection in the EPA Library Network. The Library's mission is to support the information needs of the EPA staff at AWBERC in Cincinnati, Region 4 in Atlanta, and Region 5 in Chicago.

AWBERC Library Services consist of online literature searching, ready reference, interlibrary loan, acquisitions, collection development, cataloging, serials maintenance, and current awareness services. The Library provides online literature searching and ready reference services to EPA staff in Regions 4 and 5 and the general public in Region 4. Interlibrary loan services are provided to EPA staff in Regions 4 and 5.

The Library provides reference service to the general public via phone, fax, or electronic mail. Online searching of free databases is provided by the library staff for the general public. Visitors to the OCA Reading Room should contact the Library for an appointment.

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Collection Information

The AWBERC Library was established in 1971, combining the holdings from the Public Health Service and Federal Water Pollution Control Administration. The facility served at one time as the scientific and technical focal point for all EPA libraries. It moved to its present location in 1976.

The Library is operated by the OARM's Information Resources Management Division. The holdings consist of 20,000 books, 700 current journal and newsletter subscriptions, three newspapers, 6,000 hard copy documents, over 200,000 technical reports on microfiche produced by EPA and other government agencies, and a microfilm collection that includes back files of abstracts and periodicals.

Major subject areas include bacteriology, biotechnology, hazardous waste, risk assessment, toxicology, water treatment, water pollution, and water quality. The Jerry F. Stara Risk Assessment Collection was dedicated in June 1988. The scope of the collection is to support the three components of risk assessment: hazard identification, dose response assessment, and exposure assessment. The collection of books and documents primarily addresses risk assessment modelling, carcinogenesis, mutagenesis, and toxicology.

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Andrew W. Breidenbach Environmental Research Center
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
26 W. Martin Luther King Dr.
Cincinnati, OH 45268

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