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NASS National Motor Vehicle Crash Causation Study

NMVCCS will utilize the infrastructure of the National Automotive Sampling System (NASS) program to collect data throughout the United States. The goal of the project will be to produce annual data files with approximately 4800 cases.


NMVCCS data collection will include on-scene data collection, an element that is not part of the NASS/CDS data collection process.




Although fatality rates have declined, the number of fatalities and injuries remain at high levels. Many improvements to the crashworthiness of vehicles have been implemented but these technologies are limited given the vehicle mix on today's roads.


Great strides will come from primary prevention, that is reducing crash occurrence. Real world data on how crashes occur is limited and not statistically reliable for large populations.


Crash avoidance technologies are being researched, developed and introduced by automobile manufactures into the fleet but these technologies are not yet supported by statistically valid real world data.


The data gathered in this project will be useful in identifying what crash avoidance technologies are needed at the environment, human, and vehicle levels and how they should be tailored.


Additionally, emerging countermeasure programs and technologies could then be evaluated in real world crash environments for their potential in preventing crashes.




On-scene data collection provides the best methodology and highest level of accuracy in determining the factors and events of crashes. The on-scene investigation as opposed to a reactive approach (follow-up investigation) provides significantly more detail in scene and vehicle evidence and higher reliability in interview data. The information obtained during an on-scene interview can be quickly verified as the investigator completes their comprehensive physical evidence documentation of scene and vehicle inspections.


The NASS/CDS infrastructure will be utilized, providing an established and cost-effective means of performing this nationally representative motor vehicle research. In addition, current jurisdiction networks and cooperative agreements will be used to ensure timely and consistent notification of crashes.

November 14, 2006
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