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Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
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Federal Reserve Board of Governors

All Press Releases

December 23, 1999
Minutes of Federal Open Market Committee, November 16, 1999

December 23, 1999
Gallup poll of consumer confidence in banking Y2K preparation

December 21, 1999
FOMC statement

December 20, 1999
Approval of notice of Banque Nationale de Paris and Paribas

December 17, 1999
Approval of application of BB&T Corporation

December 17, 1999
Price reductions for FRB electronic payment services

December 15, 1999
Exemption threshold increase for institutions required to report data under HMDA

December 14, 1999
Written Agreement with Arab American Bank

December 13, 1999
Approval of proposal of First Security Corporation

December 13, 1999
Termination of the May 21, 1999, Agreement with TransAlliance

December 13, 1999
Joint agency statement on supervisory approach to asset securitization activities

December 10, 1999
New members of Thrift Institutions Advisory Council

December 9, 1999
Extension of comment period on electronic delivery of federally mandated disclosures to consumers

December 8, 1999
Approval of application of Exchange Bancshares of Moore, Inc.

December 6, 1999
Approval of application and notice of HSBC Holdings and HSBC Finance

December 6, 1999
Termination of the Year 2000 readiness provision with First Utah Bancorp and Premier Data Corporation

December 6, 1999
Written Agreement with Foxdale Bank

November 29, 1999
Approval of application of Brookline Bancorp, MHC

November 24, 1999
Approval of application of UBS AG

November 24, 1999
Approval of proposal of Sanwa Bank, Limited

November 18, 1999
Minutes of Federal Open Market Committee, October 5, 1999

November 18, 1999
Approval of proposal of SunTrust Bank

November 18, 1999
Approval of application of Bank Austria Aktiengesellschaft

November 18, 1999
Approval of discount rate actions of FRBs New York, Philadelphia, Chicago, and Minneapolis

November 18, 1999
Gallup poll reports public confidence in banking Y2K readiness

November 17, 1999
Approval of discount rate actions of FRBs Atlanta, Dallas, and St. Louis

November 16, 1999
Approval of discount rate action of FRB San Francisco

November 16, 1999
FOMC statement

November 16, 1999
Consent Order against Bertram Smith

November 16, 1999
Written Agreement with Heritage Bancorp and First Bank of Cleveland

November 16, 1999
Consent Order against Matthew J. Callahan

November 16, 1999
Consent Order against Robert and Adele Barber

November 12, 1999
Modifications to the settlement finality for ACH credit transactions

November 10, 1999
Data show increase in adversely classified syndicated bank loans

November 10, 1999
Approval of proposal by Bayerische Hypo- und Vereinsbank AG

November 9, 1999
Report on Internet privacy policies of banks and thrift institutions

November 8, 1999
Approval of applications of J.P. Morgan and UBS AG

November 3, 1999
Proposed revisions to staff commentary on Regulation Z

November 3, 1999
Review of publications program and request for comment by public survey

November 3, 1999
Adjustment of trigger fee for additional mortgage loan disclosures

October 28, 1999
Final rule amending Regulation CC

October 27, 1999
Approval of application of Antwerpse Diamantbank N.V.

October 27, 1999
Approval of application of KBC Bank N.V.

October 25, 1999
Approval of application of Illini Corporation

October 21, 1999
Interagency final rule on examination frequency cycle for U.S. branches of foreign banks

October 18, 1999
Extension of comment period on electronic delivery of federally mandated disclosures to consumers

October 13, 1999
Kansas City FRB Internet site on housing, business, community, and agribusiness

October 12, 1999
Advice for depository institutions about risks of residential loans

October 7, 1999
Minutes of Federal Open Market Committee, August 24, 1999

October 6, 1999
Low reserve tranche adjustment

October 5, 1999
FOMC statement

October 1, 1999
Statement of Governor Ferguson on creation of the Financial Services Information Sharing and Analysis Center

October 1, 1999
Consent Order against William Barber

September 28, 1999
Joint interagency statement on Y2K bank balance sheet growth

September 28, 1999
Supervisory letter on standards for commercial loans

September 28, 1999
Consumer Advisory Council meeting Thursday, October 21, 1999

September 27, 1999
Approval of application of Caixa Geral de Depósitos S.A.

September 27, 1999
Approval of application of Dai-Ichi Kangyo Bank

September 20, 1999
Approval of application of Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce (CIBC)

September 20, 1999
Appointment of Reserve Bank chairmen and deputy chairmen for 2000

September 16, 1999
Press conference on Y2K progress of depository institutions

September 8, 1999
Written Agreement with First Security Bancshares and Security State Bank

September 7, 1999
Joint interagency issue of loan-to-deposit ratios for compliance with Riegle-Neal of 1994

September 7, 1999
Approval of application of United Bank of Philadelphia

September 7, 1999
Approval of proposal of Fleet Financial Group

September 1, 1999
Request for comment on electronic delivery of federally mandated disclosures to consumers

September 1, 1999
Interim rule to Regulation DD

September 1, 1999
Approval of proposal of Firstar Corporation

August 30, 1999
Approval of proposal of AmSouth Bancorporation

August 26, 1999
Minutes of Federal Open Market Committee, June 29-30, 1999

August 25, 1999
Regulators terminate Y2K compliance agreement with First Data Corporation

August 24, 1999
FOMC statement

August 23, 1999
Approval of proposal of Texas Regional Bancshares

August 20, 1999
Cease and Desist Order against American Bank

August 19, 1999
A Spanish-language version of Keys to Vehicle Leasing brochure available

August 18, 1999
Request for comment on electronic communication of federally mandated disclosures to consumers

August 18, 1999
Approval of application of Bank Iowa

August 16, 1999
Approval of application of Manufacturers and Traders Trust

August 13, 1999
Nine billion currency notes (face value of $67 billion) ordered for FY 2000

August 11, 1999
Written Agreement with Belmont Bancorp

August 9, 1999
Combined Orders of Prohibition and Cease and Desist against Craig J. Fahrner

August 6, 1999
Nomination of Roger W. Ferguson, Jr., as Board Vice Chairman

August 5, 1999
Internet version of proceedings of Business Access to Capital and Credit Conference (March 8, 1999)

August 4, 1999
Proposed revisions to Regulation B

July 30, 1999
Notice of Suspension against Joseph C. Liu

July 28, 1999
Approval of application of Security Pecos and Security Delaware Pecos Bancshares

July 27, 1999
Basel Committee on Banking Supervision issues guidance on credit risk

July 26, 1999
Approval of application of Banco de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires

July 20, 1999
Approval of application of Sumitomo Bank, Limited

July 20, 1999
Approval of application of Fuji Bank, Limited

July 20, 1999
Formation of Payments System Development Committee

July 20, 1999
Establishment of the Century Date Change Special Liquidity Facility

July 20, 1999
Written Agreement with Grimes County Capital

July 19, 1999
Notice of Intent to Prohibit against Bruce Kingdon, Kenneth Goglia, and Harvey Plante

July 15, 1999
Announcement on more detailed reporting of deposits

July 14, 1999
Approval of application of Civitas Bank

July 12, 1999
Joint agency issuance of letter to financial institutions on loan losses

July 8, 1999
Decision to withdraw proposed specific changes to Regulation CC

July 7, 1999
Joint policy statement regarding branch closings by insured depository institutions

July 7, 1999
Combined Orders to Cease and Desist and Assessment of a Civil Money Penalty against John Riesmeyer

July 2, 1999
Approval of proposal of Stockman Financial Corporation

July 1, 1999
Minutes of Federal Open Market Committee, May 18, 1999

July 1, 1999
Supervisory letter on capital adequacy in risk and complex risk profiles

July 1, 1999
Survey of small business finances

June 30, 1999
FOMC statement

June 30, 1999
Approval of notice filed by BankBoston Corporation

June 28, 1999
Approval of application of Deutsche VerkehrsBank AG

June 28, 1999
Approval of application of Anglo Irish Bank Corporation

June 25, 1999
Written Agreement with Banco Popular del Ecuador

June 24, 1999
Supervisory letter on guidance for overseeing LCBOs

June 23, 1999
Public hearing on enforcement action against Guillaume Fonkenell

June 22, 1999
Meeting on proposal by Fleet Financial Group

June 21, 1999
Order of Assessment of Civil Money Penalty against Banco Popular de Puerto Rico

June 16, 1999
Approval of application of Otto Bremer Foundation and Bremer Financial

June 16, 1999
Search for nominees for the Consumer Advisory Council

June 14, 1999
Approval of application of Piraeus Bank S.A.

June 14, 1999
Approval of application of Ideal Bancshares, Inc.

June 11, 1999
Written Agreement with Community Capital Corporation

June 7, 1999
Cease and Desist Order against Banco Atlántico

June 4, 1999
Basel Committee on Banking Supervision issues consultative paper on capital adequacy framework

June 3, 1999
Resignation of Vice Chair Rivlin

June 3, 1999
Chairman Greenspan on resignation of Vice Chair Rivlin

May 25, 1999
Appointment of Richard C. Stevens as Director of Division of Information Technology

May 24, 1999
Consumer Advisory Council meeting on June 24, 1999

May 24, 1999
Approval of proposal of BOK Financial Corporation

May 21, 1999
Supervisory guidance letter on Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) article on loan-loss allowances

May 21, 1999
Request for comment on the Century Date Change Special Liquidity Facility

May 21, 1999
Consent Order against B.O.T. Corporation

May 21, 1999
Joint agency announcement of agreement with TransAlliance

May 20, 1999
Minutes of Federal Open Market Committee, March 30, 1999

May 20, 1999
Approval of proposal of Deutsche Bank AG

May 18, 1999
Written Agreement with Wellington State Bank

May 18, 1999
Request for comment on FRB ACH transactions

May 18, 1999
Appointment of Louise L. Roseman as director of the RBOPS division

May 18, 1999
FOMC statement

May 17, 1999
Approval of application of Banco BBA-Creditanstalt S.A.

May 14, 1999
Revised Consumer Handbook on Adjustable Rate Mortgages brochure

May 12, 1999
Approval of application of Chittenden Corporation

May 12, 1999
Chairman Alan Greenspan on the resignation of Robert Rubin

May 3, 1999
Basle Committee on Banking Supervision requests comment on "Credit Risk Modeling: Current Practices and Applications"

May 3, 1999
New design for Board's web site

April 22, 1999
Written Agreement with Foxdale Bancorp and Foxdale Bank

April 19, 1999
Approval of application of ING Bank, N.V.

April 16, 1999
Order to Cease and Desist and Civil Money Penalty against Paul P. Piper

April 12, 1999
Approval of application of Community Capital Bancshares, Inc.

April 12, 1999
Approval of application of Banco de Credito e Inversiones

April 1, 1999
Minutes of Federal Open Market Committee, February 2-3, 1999

April 1, 1999
Approval of application of Banco Santander, S.A.

April 1, 1999
Approval of application of ANB Corporation

April 1, 1999
Approval of application of Paribas

March 31, 1999
Revisions to Regulation Z commentary

March 31, 1999
Revisions to Regulation M commentary

March 30, 1999
Financial institutions regulators reach agreement with First Data Corporation on Y2K testing

March 29, 1999
Approval of application of C-B-G, Inc.

March 23, 1999
Final amendments to Regulation CC

March 23, 1999
Withdrawal of "Know Your Customer" regulation

March 22, 1999
Approval of application of Bay Port Financial Corporation

March 18, 1999
Stephen R. Malphrus appointed Staff Director for Management

March 17, 1999
Approval of notice of Wachovia Corporation

March 15, 1999
Approval of proposal of Fuji Bank, Limited

March 15, 1999
Approval of proposal of Commerzbank AG

March 10, 1999
Joint agency issuance of letter to institutions on loan-loss allowances

March 3, 1999
Approval of applications of Arizona Bank (formerly known as Compass Bank)

March 2, 1999
Final rules amending Regulation H and Regulation Y

March 1, 1999
Approval of application of Westdeutsche ImmobilienBank

February 25, 1999
Combined orders to Cease and Desist and Civil Money Penalty against Hogi Patrick Hyun

February 25, 1999
Consent Order against Kenneth G. Walker

February 25, 1999
Consent Order against Daniel K. Walker

February 22, 1999
Semiannual publication of List of Foreign Margin Stocks

February 22, 1999
Request for comment proposed to Regulation CC

February 17, 1999
Flow of Funds Accounts of the United States (the Z.1 statistical release)

February 12, 1999
Approval of the applications of First Banks, Inc. and First Banks America, Inc.

February 11, 1999
Prompt Corrective Action Directive against the Zia New Mexico Bank

February 10, 1999
Federal interagency task force publishes Looking for the Best Mortgage brochure

February 5, 1999
Written Agreement with First Utah Bancorporation, First Utah Bank, and Premier Data Corp.

February 4, 1999
Minutes of Federal Open Market Committee, December 22, 1998

February 1, 1999
Approval of proposal of Istituto Bancario San Paolo di Torino-Istituto Mobiliare Italiano S.p.A.

February 1, 1999
Approval of the notice filed by BankAmerica Corporation and other banks

February 1, 1999
Approval of notice of Banc Corporation

January 26, 1999
Order of Removal and Prohibition against John H. Ahn

January 25, 1999
Approval of notice of First Security Corporation

January 21, 1999
Joint agency Order of Prohibition against Bob L. Sellers

January 11, 1999
Approval of applications of Union Planters Corp. and Union Planters Holding

January 7, 1999
Preliminary 1998 operating income of FRBs and income transfer to the U.S. Treasury

January 5, 1999
Ten new members, Chair, and Vice Chair named to Consumer Advisory Council

1999 Press Releases:

Last update: March 28, 2008