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This information is intended to convey the underlying concepts for Reclamation's decision processes. It is not mandatory.
See the Reclamation Manual for official Reclamation-wide requirements.

Reclamation's Decision Process Guide


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navigate in the page--Tools

This toolbox suggests decisionmaking tools for Reclamation employees, contractors, sponsors, and other participants in Reclamation decisions. These tools can help you reach more effective, implementable, and supportable decisions.

Consciously selecting, adapting, and applying tools helps:

  • Elicit comments and ideas
  • Keep the process on track
  • Research and present sufficient, supportable data to decisionmakers and publics

This will enable a confident, balanced decision--one that can withstand the scrutiny of multiple publics and, if necessary, the courts.

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navigate in the page--Tips to Use the Toolbox

Tools are not ends in themselves, but rather the means to the end. Use, adapt, and create to make better, more informed decisions.

Go through the Worksheet to determine which tools are appropriate for your particular situation and track their use. To find a particular tool or to gather a list of tools, look at the Tool List. This lists tools in alphabetical order and shows which tools are most useful for which facet of the decision process.

Tool List provides a list of the tools we discuss.

Tool Time describes the role of tools in your decision process.

Tool Selection Worksheet explains how to choose tools and includes a simple worksheet to select tools and document their use.

Document the Process explains why you need to document the tool you use and the results.

Expand this List invites you to find your own tools and adapt tools to your needs.

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navigate in the page--Go On

Handyman's Tourcompass for handyman's tour Indicators <-------->End of tour

(Note: This is almost the end of the line for the Handyman's tour. Why not stay here a while and explore some tools?)

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Please contact Rick Vinton (303) 445-2738 with questions or comments on this material.