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OVS Projects

I. Neighbor Island Veterans Cemeteries

Completed Veteran  Cemetery projects

• Kauai Veterans Cemetery, Phase I

• Molokai’s Hoolehua Veterans Cemetery

• Lanai Veterans Cemetery

• Maui’s Makawao Veterans Cemetery

• East Hawaii Veterans Cemetery No. 1 & 2, Phase I

Kauai Veterans Cemetery (in progress)

• Construction has started on the new columbarium.

• The contractor is slightly behind schedule; however, he/she is still scheduled to complete the project before the end of October so we meet the goal of having the columbarium completed before the Veterans’ Day ceremony.

West Hawaii Veterans Cemetery Phase IIB (in progress)

• Completed setting up the Direct Deposit account to receive the VA grant ($743,000).

• Construction will start in October 2007. Construction permits have been acquired from the Kona permitting office.

• A decision was made to completely abandon development of the Phase IIC work on the south side of the cemetery, based on the adamant position by the VA to develop the north side of the property.

West Hawaii Veterans Cemetery Phase IIC (in progress)

• The Preliminary Revised Master Plan is being prepared by the consultant and will be submitted to the VA for review and approval.

• Subject to the VA’s approval of the Preliminary Revised Master Plan, the scope for Phase IIC can be confirmed.

Additional cemetery projects needed:

• OVS will initiate applying or additional state funds that ill be eligible for 100% Federal reimbursement from the VA.  The funding will be used for niche space for Hoolehua Veterans Cemetery on Molokai, Hilo Hawaii and Hanapepe, Kauai in the upcoming Legislative session.

II. Hawaii State Veterans Cemetery, Oahu

• Slope stabilization behind the existing columbarium and construction of 2036 new columbarium niches.

1. FY2008 – $200K, and FY2009 - $1M for additional columbarium niches.

2. FY2008 – $300K for miscellaneous renovations and improvements.

III. GWOT State Memorial

• Appropriation has been transferred to DAGS as expending agency.

• DAGS has worked with DOD to select the Architect and Engineering firms for the project.

• Next we will set up the selection committee to provide guidance for them to determine the design and concept of the monument.

• MG Lee has designated OVS Director Mark Moses as the chair of this committee.

IV. Veterans Centers

• Oahu Veterans Center Phase 1 & 2 complete, fund raising for phase 3.

• Molokai Veterans Center, state grant received for planning and design.

V. Report on Cemeteries and Memorials/Administrative Rules Public Hearings

• Starting process of traveling to each Cemetery and Memorial to catalog status and repair needs.

• Public Hearings for changes to Hawaii Administrative Rules will occur in conjunction with visits.

VI. Veterans Needs Survey

• Per legislative request the OVS will be conducting a review of needs for Hawaii’s veteran community and present these findings for consideration of legislative action.

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