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Historical CDC Design and Operation Manuals

These documents are provided only as a reference for the aquatics and public health communities since hard copies are no longer available at CDC. These manuals were developed by CDC during the 1970’s and early 1980’s. Much of the information in the manuals may still be helpful to aquatics staff, designers, and public health professionals. However, the CDC Healthy Swimming website is the most current information on water quality, disinfection, and operation for aquatic venues thus superseding information found in these earlier manuals.

Swimming Pools: Safety and Disease Control through Proper Design and Operation (June 1976, Reprinted March 1988) PDF icon (PDF, 3.4 MB)

Suggested Health and Safety Guidelines for Public Spas and Hot Tubs (April 1981, Revised January 1985) PDF icon (PDF, 3 MB)

Suggested Health and Safety Guidelines for Recreational Water Slide Flumes (July 1981)
PDF icon (PDF, 641 KB)