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Securing the Survivors' Legacy

Never again
Planned gifts make it possible to leave a legacy for future generations.

What kind of world will our grandchildren inherit if we let ‘never again’ fade into history? The Holocaust compels us to ask that question and to act on it. That was the promise the survivors made. Building a permanent memorial on the National Mall was part of that promise; so is the imperative to transform memory into action. A bequest in your will to the Museum's endowment—a gift that costs nothing today—is the easiest way to create an enduring legacy.

Have you already left the Museum a bequest? Please let us recognize your generosity as a member of the Legacy of Light Society.

To learn more about bequests and other planned giving opportunities, please contact: George Hellman, J.D., Director of Planned Giving at 202 488-6591 or

Planned Giving

George E. Hellman, J.D.
Director of Planned Giving

(202) 314-1748

Making a planned gift is a meaningful way to create a personal legacy and make a lasting contribution to the work of the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum. And you do not have to be rich to do it. Did you know that your gift can:

  • Help reduce your income taxes?
  • Potentially reduce capital gains taxes?
  • Remove assets from your estate and possibly reduce your gift and estate tax?
  • Provide income for yourself and others?
Use the Museum's Gift Calculator for an illustration of income and tax benefits to which you may be entitled if you make a planned gift to benefit the Museum.

Try our Gift Calculator
We at Planned Giving are here and ready to answer your questions. Please call us at (202) 314-1748 or send an e-mail to us at

We hope you will consider including the Museum in your Will or estate planning. Click here for sample bequest language (printable version PDF). Click here for Naming the Museum the Beneficiary of Retirement Plan Assets. (printable version PDF).

Planned Giving Brochures (printable version PDF)
Planned Giving Brochures
Generations Newsletters:
Impressed with the quality of the exhibitions and architecture, Dr. Davidson was interested to learn that the Museum is doing significant work beyond its walls. The Museum transcends its primary mission of documenting the history of the Holocaust, educating others, and preventing future genocide; he believes it actually endeavors to change the very nature of humankind. "We must all support the Museum as a 'university of conscience' in the desperate hope that we can end genocide," he says. Read more...

Asked why they support the Museum, Ann Krouse replied, "We have to." She feels fortunate to live in the United States, a country that has built a Museum to recognize and memorialize the Holocaust—which, she said, sends an important message to Holocaust deniers. This is why Ann and her husband Paul fund the Museum’s educational programs both in Washington D.C. and around the country. In addition, Ann and Paul decided to make a $1 million commitment through their estate plans by naming the Museum as a beneficiary of their retirement plan assets. Read more...

Museum Chief of Staff William ("Bill") S. Parsons has devoted 30 years of his career to Holocaust education, but that's not surprising given his family background. His father, E. Spencer Parsons, a minister who worked tirelessly to advance the civil rights movement and the war on poverty, imbued his children with a strong desire to promote mutual respect and confront injustice. Bill and his wife Sylvia, recently began to contemplate their own legacy and their role in shaping the future. They have decided to name the Museum as the beneficiary of a substantial portion of their retirement plan assets. Read more...

Rosalie Avery's entire Jewish identity centered on Holocaust history and its timeless lessons. In fact, she was described as being an "intolerant person" because she was "intolerant of intolerance." Rosalie's commitment to Holocaust awareness led her to designate the Museum as a major beneficiary of her estate—a commitment her family honored when her Will was invalidated. Read more...

Herbert "Herb" Robinson learned a valuable lesson at a young age: Do not stand idly by when others are in need. Unable to understand how people could commit the atrocities they did in the Holocaust, he says, "It is simply unacceptable, and we must perpetuate the memories of those who perished." Read more...

"Everything about this institution is about legacy," Sara J. Bloomfield, Museum Director says. "The legacy of survivors, the legacy of our Museum, the legacy of supporters. And for me--I, too, have a moral obligation to ask, 'Have I done all that I can?'" Read more...

Bella Heppenheimer considers herself "one of the lucky ones", and to her remembering the Holocaust is vital. Bella recently established a charitable gift annuity to memorialize her family members... Read more...

Kurt and Marilyn Wallach wanted to perpetuate their support beyond their lifetimes, so they decided to establish a charitable lead annuity trust--a permanent and meaningful gift that also benefits their family... Read more...

"Life is very important to me," she said, explaining why she became a nurse. "I wanted to help people--I still do." This may explain Helga Wolff's extraordinary bequest of nearly $400,000 to the Museum... Read more...

The information provided on this web site is not intended to serve as tax or legal advice. Please consult your attorney and/or financial advisor before making a gift. Contributions to the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum are eligible for the maximum income and estate tax charitable deductions available for gifts to the public charity.

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  From time to time we have the opportunity to share member mailing addresses with carefully selected organizations that offer related services or products. To protect your privacy, we ask your permission to include your mailing address on those occasions. If you do not select 'Yes,' we will not provide your mailing address to outside service providers.
  Yes, share my information with other institutions. View member privacy policy

I have already included the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum through:
My Will or Living Trust
My insurance plan
My IRA or other retirement plan
A Charitable Remainder Trust
A Charitable Lead Trust
Other (please specify)

I would consider making a planned gift to the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum and would like to speak with someone. Please contact me at the phone number listed above.

I would like to learn more about how I can give a donation to the Museum and receive a lifetime fixed income by establishing a Charitable Gift Annuity (printable version PDF). I understand that tax savings and payment rates for charitable gift annuities are based in part on the age(s) of the person(s) receiving payments. Please send an illustration based on the following birth date(s):
Single life:
Month Day Year
Joint lives:
Month Day Year Month Day Year

In providing your illustration, please use the following as the estimate for my gift:
(estimated value)
(estimated cost basis, if non-cash gift)


We thank you for your interest in the future work of the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum.

Development Department
Planned Giving
United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
100 Raoul Wallenberg Place, SW
Washington, DC 20024–2126
Tel: (202) 314-1748
Fax: (202) 488-2697

Contributions to the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum are eligible for the maximum income and estate tax charitable deductions available for gifts to the public charity. Your gift is FULLY TAX DEDUCTIBLE to the extent allowable under the law.
view member privacy policy stock gift instructions
By providing for the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum in your Will, through an endowment fund, a life income plan or a life insurance policy, you become a member of our Legacy of Light Society. You join a dedicated group of men and women who want to ensure that the Museum will always be able to carry on its work. Learn more...
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