That Makes Total Franken Sense
News flash: The Democratic candidate for U.S. Senate in Minnesota doesn't like RN.
Beggars Can’t Be Preachers
While something tells me that President Nixon and "Newsweek"'s Fareed Zakaria would pull different levers in the voting booth, there's no question that RN would read Zakaria's articles carefully and underline them copiously. For instance, from the Oct. 11 edition and Zakaria's useful primer on the financial meltdown, this dollop ...
We’re Hoping, We’re Hoping
"Newsweek" editor John Meacham (coming to the Nixon Library Nov. 13): Like the apostles of Jesus who expected their Messiah to return in triumph before they themselves died, many liberals are almost certain to be disappointed in a President Obama. "I think right now people are in a pragmatic mood, not ...
Cisneros’s Profitable Dreams Have Cost Us Plenty
Sunday's New York Times article about former Clinton official Henry Cisneros, driven from office in a sex scandal, doesn't start like an expose: A grandson of Mexican immigrants and a former mayor of [San Antonio], Henry G. Cisneros has spent years trying to make the dream of homeownership come true for ...
Inside Looking Out
FDR and RN biographer Conrad Black writes a scathing piece for The Daily Beast criticizing Senator McCain's handling of the bailout business.  He sees the Senator's failure to use the crisis to assert his mastery and put his mark on the campaign as a major missed opportunity: His hare-brained week, starting ...
The Soundtrack Of Our Lives
Every Sunday, The Soundtrack of Our Lives looks back at some of the music that was popular, and the performers who were influential, around the time Richard Nixon was elected President. CREEQUE ALLEY (JOHN PHILLIPS) performed by THE MAMAS AND THE PAPAS (Denny Doherty, Cass Elliott, John Phillips, Michelle Phillips) Last week’s Soundtrack ...
Featured Articles — October 19, 2008
Interesting Takes From Home and Abroad: Plumber Joe didn't go with the flow By Mark Steyn Give a man enough rope line, and he'll hang himself. There was His Serene Majesty President-designate Barack the Healer, working the crowd at some or other hick burg, and halfway down the rope up pops a ...
Tough Shoes to Fill
Abe Greenwald on Gen. Ray Odierno's recent kerfuffle and on following Gen. Petreaus's masterful leadership in Iraq: Gen. Petraeus’s humility, restraint, circumspection, and flair for diplomacy are as much a part of the story of Iraq’s turnaround as, say, his “Anaconda strategy.” Not only does Gen. Odierno have enormous shoes to ...
A Lonely Putin
Maybe advocating Kosovo indendence wasn't a strategic blunder after all. With the invasion of the effectively defenseless Georgia as a consequence for the West, there are even greater consequences for Russia: no legitimate international recognition and widespread condemnation for the annexation of South Ossetia and the Abkhazia provinces.
The Hillary Effect
Will steamed liberal female voters and Sen. Clinton's supporters actually pull the lever for Sen. McCain and Gov. Palin on election day?
Sen. McCain Scores The DMN
The Dallas Morning News endorses Sen. John McCain, arguing for the contradictory goals of continuity and a fresh start: Mr. McCain has shown the bipartisan leadership Americans want. For example, the Republican maverick has worked with Democrats on campaign finance laws, immigration reform and climate change. When party infighting brought the ...
Sen. Obama Scores WAPO
In a weird sort of logic, Sen. Obama and Gov. Palin are both inexperienced, but the Post makes the excuse of "we have enormous hopes" at the top of the Democratic ticket: The choice is made easy in part by Mr. McCain's disappointing campaign, above all his irresponsible selection of a ...