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Presidential Daily Diary


December 2, 2008 Release

Presidential Daily Diary

Donated Nixon Documents

Mandatory Review

National Security Memoranda

National Security Decision Memoranda

National Security Study Memoranda



The Presidential Daily Diary is the official record of President Nixon’s meetings and telephone calls. Documents in this digital copy of the PDD include daily appointments calendars, lists of attendees at official functions, and passenger manifests for presidential transport.

The Presidential Daily Diary is available online as searchable Adobe Acrobat PDFpdf files.

The Presidential Daily Diary is also available as a DVD-ROM for $10. To order the DVD-ROM, complete the order packet and request “PDD DVD-ROM.”

Presidential Daily Diary


January 1969
February 1969
March 1 -14, 1969
March 15 - 31, 1969
April 1 - 17, 1969
April 18 - 30, 1969
May 1 - 17, 1969
May 18 - 31, 1969
June 1969
July 1969
August 1969
September 1969
October 1969
November 1969
December 1969


January 1970
February 1 - 15, 1970
February 16 - 28, 1970
March 1 - 15, 1970
March 16 - 31, 1970
April 1- 10, 1970
April 11 - 30, 1970
May 1970
June 1970
July 1970
August 1970
September 1970
October 1 - 15, 1970
October 16 - 31, 1970
November 1970
December 1970


January 1971
February 1 - 11, 1971
February 12 - 29, 1971
March 1971
April 1971
May 1 - 15, 1971
May 16 - 31, 1971
June 1 - 15, 1971
June 16 - 30, 1971
July 1971
August 1971
September 1 - 20, 1971
September 21 - 30, 1971
October 1971
November 1971
December 1971


January 1972
February 1 - 16, 1972
February 17 - 29, 1972
March 1972
April 1972
May 1 - 19, 1972
May 20 - 31, 1972
June 1972
July 1972
August 1972
September 1 - 21, 1972
September 22 - 30, 1972
October 1 - 15, 1972
October 16 - 31, 1972
November 1972
December 1972


January 1973
February 1973
March 1973
April 1973
May 1973
June 1973
July 1973
August 1973
September 1973
October 1 - 11, 1973
October 12 - 31, 1973
November 1973
December 1973


January 1974
February 1974
March 1974
April 1974
May 1974
June 1974
July 1974
August 1974

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