[Code of Federal Regulations] [Title 40, Volume 17, Parts 199 to 259] [Revised as of July 1, 2000] From the U.S. Government Printing Office via GPO Access [CITE: 40CFR192.42] [Page 31] TITLE 40--PROTECTION OF ENVIRONMENT AGENCY (CONTINUED) PART 192--HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION STANDARDS FOR URANIUM AND THORIUM MILL TAILINGS--Table of Contents Subpart E--Standards for Management of Thorium Byproduct Materials Pursuant to Section 84 of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as Amended Sec. 192.42 Substitute provisions. The regulatory agency may, with the concurrence of EPA, substitute for any provisions of Sec. 192.41 of this subpart alternative provisions it deems more practical that will provide at least an equivalent level of protection for human health and the environment.