[Code of Federal Regulations] [Title 40, Volume 17, Parts 199 to 259] [Revised as of July 1, 2000] From the U.S. Government Printing Office via GPO Access [CITE: 40CFR192.10] [Page 21] TITLE 40--PROTECTION OF ENVIRONMENT AGENCY (CONTINUED) PART 192--HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION STANDARDS FOR URANIUM AND THORIUM MILL TAILINGS--Table of Contents Subpart B--Standards for Cleanup of Land and Buildings Contaminated with Residual Radioactive Materials from Inactive Uranium Processing Sites Sec. 192.10 Applicability. This subpart applies to land and buildings that are part of any processing site designated by the Secretary of Energy under section 102 of the Act. section 101 of the Act, states, in part, that ``processing site'' means-- (a) Any site, including the mill, containing residual radioactive materials at which all or substantially all of the uranium was produced for sale to any Federal agency prior to January 1, 1971, under a contract with any Federal agency, except in the case of a site at or near Slick Rock, Colorado, unless-- (1) Such site was owned or controlled as of Januray 1, 1978, or is thereafter owned or controlled, by any Federal agency, or (2) A license (issued by the (Nuclear Regulatory) Commission or its predecessor agency under the Atomic Energy Act of 1954 or by a State as permitted under section 274 of such Act) for the production at site of any uranium or thorium product derived from ores is in effect on January 1, 1978, or is issued or renewed after such date; and (b) Any other real property or improvement thereon which-- (1) Is in the vicinity of such site, and (2) Is determined by the Secretary, in consultation with the Commission, to be contaminated with residual radioactive materials derived from such site.