[Code of Federal Regulations] [Title 40, Volume 5, Parts 53 to 59] [Revised as of July 1, 2000] From the U.S. Government Printing Office via GPO Access [CITE: 40CFR58.41] [Page 216-217] TITLE 40--PROTECTION OF ENVIRONMENT CHAPTER I--ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY PART 58--AMBIENT AIR QUALITY SURVEILLANCE--Table of Contents Subpart E--Photochemical Assessment Monitoring Stations (PAMS) Sec. 58.41 PAMS network description. The PAMS network description required by Sec. 58.40 must contain the following: (a) Identification of the monitoring area represented. (b) The AIRS site identification number for existing stations. (c) The proposed location for scheduled stations. [[Page 217]] (d) Identification of the site type and location within the PAMS network design for each station as defined in appendix D to this part except that during any year, a State may choose to submit detailed information for the site scheduled to begin operation during that year's PAMS monitoring season, and defer submittal of detailed information on the remaining sites until succeeding years. Such deferred network design phases should be submitted to EPA for approval no later than January 1 of the first year of scheduled operation. As a minimum, general information on each deferred site should be submitted each year until final approval of the complete network is obtained from the Administrator. (e) The sampling and analysis method for each of the measurements. (f) The operating schedule for each of the measurements. (g) An O3 event forecasting scheme, if appropriate. (h) A schedule for implementation. This schedule should include the following: (1) A timetable for locating and submitting the AIRS site identification form for each scheduled PAMS that is not located at the time of submittal of the network description; (2) A timetable for phasing-in operation of the required number and type of sites as defined in appendix D to this part; and (3) A schedule for implementing the quality assurance procedures of appendix A to this part for each PAMS. [58 FR 8468, Feb. 12, 1993, as amended at 64 FR 3035, Jan. 20, 1999]