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Padre Island National SeashoreA green sea turtle hatchling heads for the surf on the first day of its life.
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Padre Island National Seashore
The Green Sea Turtle
Close-up of the face of an adult green sea turtle
NPS photo
The only sure way to distinguish sea turtle species is by counting the scutes (plates on their carapace-the upper shell) and the scales between their eyes. This green sea turtle has two scales between her eyes.

The green turtle (Chelonia mydas) is not actually green in color, but mottled brown.  The name is derived from the greenish fat of the body.  The carapace (the upper portion of the shell) is light or dark brown.  It typically has radiating mottled or wavy dark markings or large dark brown blotches.  The green turtle is considered large in size for sea turtles with an average length of 36-48 inches (90-122 cm).  The record was set at 60 3/8 inches (153 cm).  Its weight ranges from 250-450 lbs. (113-204 kg) with the record at more than 650 lbs. (295 kg).  The upper surfaces of young green turtles are dark brown, while the undersides are white.  The ends of the flippers are black, but are edged with white.  There is a keel running down the center of the back and a pair of keels down the plastron (lower portion of the shell).  Hatchlings are 1 5/8 to 2 3/8 inches in length and are black above, but become much paler by six months.  The green turtle is primarily a tropical herbivorous species and feeds on sea grasses and algae.  Under the Endangered Species Act it is considered “endangered” for the breeding populations in Florida and the east Pacific and “threatened” everywhere else.

The main reason for the decline of the green turtle was its culinary appeal.  Recipes for green turtle were very popular in the past, with two of the most famous being “calipash” and “calipee”, which are soups made from the upper and lower shells.  Green turtle recipes were also popular overseas with England and Cuba being major importers.  The green turtle was first introduced into England as a luxury food in the 18th century.  They were in such demand by 1879 that approximately 15,000 were being shipped there annually.  Green turtles became an important food source for the British Royal Navy and were taken on as living provisions at specially scheduled stops.  During this time, the green turtle was known as the Texas turtle, because of the fishery that existed for it in the Corpus Christi area and other areas of Texas until the 1890’s.  The demise of the fishery and the precipitous decline of this species are thought to have been due to over-exploitation and freezing temperatures.  In the Gulf of Mexico, green turtle fisheries also existed at Cedar Key in western Florida, the Florida Keys, and the Dry Tortugas. 

Today, Texas waters, particularly south Texas inshore waters, provide very important habitat for green sea turtles.  Padre Island National Seashore has conducted extensive research on green turtles in Texas, including individuals found stranded in Texas, netted at the Mansfield Channel, and satellite tracked after capture at the Mansfield Channel.  Most green turtles in Texas waters are juveniles and their numbers are increasing.  Although they are still impacted by several mortality factors, their most significant threat in Texas is hypothermic stunning.  However, if found alive and taken to rehabilitation facilities, most of these turtles can survive and be released.

The major nesting areas for green turtles in the Atlantic are in Florida, Mexico, Surinam, Guyana, French Guyana, Costa Rica, the Leeward Islands, and Ascension Island in the mid-Atlantic.  Padre Island National Seashore is the only location on the Texas coast where green turtle nesting has been documented.  For many years, the only recorded instance of a green turtle nesting in Texas was in 1987.  However, they probably nested here before their decline.  For many years the National Seashore was a bombing range and a private grazing area, receiving limited visitation, and historically visitors were unaware of the importance of reporting nesting.  During recent years, from 1-5 green turtle nests have been confirmed on the Texas coast each year and nesting has been stable.  However, some nests likely go undetected since nest detection efforts end in mid-July and green turtles may nest through mid-September.  Due to the rarity of green turtle nests and the very active state and unpredictability of the hatchlings, releases of green turtle hatchlings are rarely open to the public at the National Seashore.


White-tailed buck (odocoileus virginianus)  

Did You Know?
The white-tailed deer on the island are not considered the island's largest native mammal, because they are believed to come across the Laguna Madre from the mainland? Coyotes are considered the island's largest native mammal.

Last Updated: April 04, 2007 at 17:19 EST