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 ETVoice - August 2008

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Welcome to ETVoice! Our monthly message contains highlights of the latest developments in ETV, and directs you to where you can find more information on our Web site or through EPA or other contacts. We hope you find this useful and welcome your comments.

Abby Waits
Environmental Technology Verification (ETV) Program

One Month Left to Register for the ETV and SBIR Programs Regional Technology Workshop

Only one month left to register for the ETV and EPA Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Programs regional technology workshop, “Today's Environmental Technologies-Innovative Solutions for Regional Issues.” The workshop will be held on October 7–8, at EPA Region 2 offices in New York City, and will feature an exciting array of technologies developed and verified with EPA's support. Region 2 will present its high-priority needs for technology solutions. Over 100 participants representing state and local government agencies, EPA and its regional office, academia, private industry, and other organizations, have already registered to attend this event (see a full list of participating organizations Exit EPA Disclaimer). The workshop's innovative products exhibition will feature companies with ETV-verified or SBIR-supported technologies, including pelletized wood fuel for co-firing with coal in boilers, dioxin emission monitoring systems, test kits for lead in paint or dust, test kits for measuring arsenic in drinking water, an energy efficient geothermal hot water heating system, storm water source area and in-drain treatment technologies, a VOC emissions control technology, and others. ETV collaborators and SBIR vendors will present on innovative environmental technologies in seven technical sessions. Space is limited, so register on-line now.

Visit: Today’s Environmental Technologies–Innovative Solutions for Regional Issues Exit EPA Disclaimer

Questions can be directed to Abby Waits, EPA, at (513) 569-7884 or waits.abby@epa.gov.

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ETV to Verify Test Kits for Lead in Paint in Support of Renovation, Repair, and Painting Rule

In March 2008, EPA issued the Lead Renovation, Repair, and Painting (RRP) Program Rule requiring the use of lead-safe practices and other actions aimed at preventing lead poisoning. The rule includes a two-phase process for evaluating and recognizing test kits that can be used to determine the presence of regulated levels of lead in lead-based paint surfaces. The EPA Office of Pollution Prevention and Toxics (OPPT) began accepting applications for the first phase of the evaluation and recognition process (the 5% false negative rate) on September 1, 2008. Test kits must be presently commercially available to go through this evaluation process. Test kits will be evaluated using a protocol developed by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) and used in the NIST report entitled, “Spot Test Kits for Detecting Lead in Household Paint: A Laboratory Evaluation.” If vendors have an existing test kit that is commercially available and would like to have it evaluated for the purpose of being recognized by EPA as meeting the 5% false negative rate, please go to the EPA Call for Test Kit Vendors for the application process and requirements.

Contact: Sam Brown, EPA OPPT (202) 566-0490

The RRP rule also identifies the ETV Program for obtaining independent laboratory validation of test kit performance. ETV will verify test kits based on the criteria established for the second phase evaluation process (5% false negative and 10% false positive standards). For more information on the recognition process of the Phase 2 testing, please go to the EPA Call for Test Kit Vendors. ETV expects to begin soliciting vendors for Phase 2 testing in April 2009. ETV will post additional information on the verification testing of the improved test kits on the ETV Web Site in the near future.

Contact: Julius Enriquez, EPA (513) 569-7285

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ETV Verified Technologies
The ETV Program has verified the performance of 403 innovative environmental technologies that can be used to monitor, prevent, control, and clean up pollution. See the full list of ETV verified technologies.

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Vendor Solicitations
ETV centers issue solicitations for vendors and collaborators interested in verification. For a list of active ETV vendor solicitations, please visit Vendors Wanted, or contact the appropriate ETV center. Recently issued solicitations include the following.

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Stakeholder Meetings
September 11, 2008
The ETV Advanced Monitoring Systems Center will host a teleconference of the Air Stakeholder Committee from 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. EST.

Contact: Rachel Sell, Battelle (614) 424-3579

September 24, 2008
The ETV Advanced Monitoring Systems Center will host a teleconference of the Water Stakeholder Committee from 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.

Contact: Rachel Sell, Battelle (614) 424-3579

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Upcoming Conferences and Meetings
A calendar of ETV meetings, conferences, and presentations is available on the ETV Web site. Meetings at which ETV is exhibiting and/or participating are:
September 9–12, 2008
The Michigan Section, American Water Works Association (AWWA) 2008 Annual Conference will be held in Kalamazoo, MI. Bruce Bartley, NSF International, ETV Drinking Water Systems Center, will present “ETV and SWTR-LT2.”

Visit: Michigan Section AWWA 2008 Annual Conference Exit EPA Disclaimer

September 15–16, 2008
An international conference, “Boosting Environmental Technologies by Verification,” will be held in Brussels, Belgium. This conference is hosted by the European Union’s technology verification pilot projects, PROMOTE, TESTNET, AIRTV, and the Nordic Innovation Center Project NOWATECH. The conference will address politicians, regulators, technology providers, industry representatives, and associations with aims to introduce environmental technology verification (ETV) as a tool for technology promotion, show the results of pilot verifications, and allow participants to present their views to the European community and decision makers. Teresa Harten, ETV Director, will present on the U.S. perspective and how the various international ETV programs can cooperate.

Visit: Boosting Environmental Technologies by Verification Exit EPA Disclaimer

October 7–8, 2008
The EPA ETV and SBIR Programs will host a regional technology workshop, “Today’s Environmental Technologies–Innovative Solutions for Regional Issues,” at EPA Region 2 in New York, NY.

Visit: Today’s Environmental Technologies–Innovative Solutions for Regional Issues Exit EPA Disclaimer

October 18–22, 2008
The 81st Annual Water Environment Federation Technical Exhibition and Conference (WEFTEC 2008) will be held in Chicago, IL. WEFTEC offers education and training opportunities on water quality developments, research, regulations, solutions, and cutting-edge technologies. The event's exhibition will feature the latest in water quality services and technologies. The ETV Program will exhibit with the EPA National Risk Management Research Laboratory.

Visit: WEFTEC 2008 Exit EPA Disclaimer

October 20–22, 2008
The Association of State Drinking Water Administrators (ASDWA) Annual Conference 2008 will be held in Colorado Springs, CO. This conference will address timely water topics such as new regulations, resources, small systems, and water security. Participants will include state, federal, and county health officials; EPA staff; water utility personnel; consulting engineers; trade and professional association officials; and others. Bruce Bartley, NSF International, will exhibit and represent the ETV Drinking Water Systems Center.

Visit: ASDWA Annual Conference 2008 Exit EPA Disclaimer

November 11–15, 2008
The National League of Cities 2008 Congress of Cities and Exposition will be held in Orlando, FL. The event will offer learning opportunities for city officials and employees, including leadership seminars, peer-to-peer networking, workshops, showcases, and an exposition hall featuring products and services to help meet municipal needs and challenges. The ETV Program will exhibit with the EPA National Risk Management Research Laboratory.

Visit: National League of Cities 2008 Congress of Cities and Exposition Exit EPA Disclaimer

November 16–20, 2008
The American Water Works Association (AWWA) 2008 Water Quality Technology Conference and Exposition (WQTC) will be held in Cincinnati, OH. The conference will provide water quality professionals with information on the latest research, regulations, and technological advances for keeping drinking water safe. The event will include workshops; oral, poster, and technical sessions; and technical facility tours, including a tour of the U.S. EPA Testing and Evaluation (T&E) Facility that conducts a broad range of water research projects. The ETV Program will exhibit.

Visit: AWWA 2008 Water Quality Technology Conference and Exposition Exit EPA Disclaimer

December 2–4, 2008
The Partners in Environmental Technology Technical Symposium and Workshop, hosted by the Strategic Environmental Research and Development Program (SERDP) and the Environmental Security Technology Certification Program (ESTCP), will be held in Washington, DC. This year's symposium will offer a comprehensive technical program featuring 13 technical sessions and five short courses. Technical sessions will highlight research and innovative technologies that assist the U.S. Department of Defense in meeting increasingly complex environmental and sustainability challenges. Short courses on select technologies in the environmental restoration and munitions management areas will offer unique training opportunities on recent advancements in science and technology. The ETV Program will exhibit.

Visit: Partners in Environmental Technology Technical Symposium and WorkshopExit EPA Disclaimer

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