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 Verified Technologies


In addition to these current verification centers, ETV has also verified technologies in other areas that have been terminated or transferred to other organizations. More…

Advanced Monitoring Systems Center - Air
Ambient ammonia sensors
Ambient fine particulate monitors
Ammonia continuous emission monitors
Chemiluminescent ozone analyzers
Dioxin emission monitoring systems
Hydrogen sulfide monitors
Mercury emission monitors
Multi-metal continuous emission monitors
Nitrogen Oxide (NO/NOx) portable analyzers
On-board emissions monitors
Optical open-path monitors
Personal cascade impactor samplers
Portable multi-gas emissions analyzers

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Advanced Monitoring Systems Center - Water
Arsenic test kits
Beach monitoring
Ballast water exchange screening tools
Enzymatic test kits
Estrogen ELISA kits
Immunoassay test kits for atrazine
Immunoassay test kits for biotoxins
Mobile mass spectrometers
Multi-parameter water monitors for distribution systems
Multi-parameter water quality probes
Multi-parameter water sensor technologies
Nutrient monitoring technologies for industrial applications
Portable cyanide analyzers
Portable water analyzers/test kits (nitrate/nitrite)
Rapid polymerase chain reaction (PCR) technologies
Rapid toxicity testing systems

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Advanced Monitoring Systems Center - Soils, Surfaces,
and Site Characterization
Decision support software
Detecting toxicity in soil
Field explosives detection technologies
Field polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) detection technologies
Field-portable gas chromatographs/mass spectrometers for measurement of volatile organics in soil, water, and soil gas
Field-portable X-ray fluorescence analyzers for measurement of metals in soil
Ground water sampling devices
Laser-induced fluorescence sensors for in situ detection of petroleum hydrocarbons
Lead-in-dust detection technologies
Sediment sampling technologies
Soil/soil gas sampling technologies
Wellhead monitoring technologies for measurement of chlorinated VOCs in water

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Air Pollution Control Technology Center
Baghouse filtration products
Dust suppression and soil stabilization products
Emulsified fuels
Indoor air quality products
Mobile sources devices
Mobile sources fuels
Mobile sources selective catalytic reduction (SCR)
Nitrogen oxide (NOx) control technologies for stationary sources
Outdoor wood-fired hydronic heaters
Paint overspray arrestors
Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) emission control technologies

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Drinking Water Systems Center
Alternative filtration and media technologies for reduction of microbiological and particulate contaminants
Membrane filtration systems for reduction of microbiological and particulate contaminants
Point-of-use devices for reduction of microbiological and chemical agents
Technologies for reduction of arsenic and inorganic chemicals
Technologies for reduction of disinfection by-products
Ultraviolet, ozone, and alternative inactivation, disinfection, and oxidation technologies
Whole building and mobile treatment systems for reduction of microbiological and chemical agents

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Greenhouse Gas Technology Center
Advanced energy
Green buildings/energy efficient
Greenhouse gas monitoring and others
Oil and gas industry

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Water Quality Protection Center
Animal waste treatment – solids separation
Chemically ehanced high-rate solids separation
Decentralized wastewater treatment technologies
Decontamination wastewater treatment technologies
Flow meters
High-rate disinfection – induction mixers
High-rate disinfection – ultraviolet (UV) disinfection
In-drain treatment technologies
Infrastructure rehabilitation technologies
Mercury amalgam separation
Residential nutrient reduction
Storm water source-area treatment devices
Ultraviolet (UV) disinfection – secondary effluent/wastewater reuse
Urban runoff models
Vortex high-rate solids separation

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Pollution Prevention Coatings and Coating Equipment Pilot
High transfer-efficiency paint spray guns
High-volume low-pressure spray guns
Innovative liquid coatings
Laser-targeted paint application
Powder coating technologies
Process technologies
Ultraviolet (UV)-curable coatings

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Environmental and Sustainable Technology Evaluations (ESTE)
Biomass Co-Fired Boilers

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