OSERS 23rd Annual Report to Congress on the Implementation of the IDEA
Archived Information

Table of Contents-Executive Summary

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Executive Summary

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  1. Results
    download icon PDF (334K) | MS Word (753K)

  2. Student Characteristics
    download icon PDF (256K) | MS Word (567K)

  3. Programs and Services
    download icon PDF (370K) | MS Word (753K)

  4. Policies
    download icon PDF (243K) | MS Word (455K)

dotted line

Appendix A


  1. Data Tables
    download icon PDF (1.1M) | MS Word (5.3M)

  2. Data Tables
    download icon PDF (878K) | MS Word (4.8M)

IDEA, Part B and C

Appendix B

Last Modified: 07/19/2007