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Lead-based Paints

The Region 6 lead-based paint program provides customer service regarding EPA's national program to prevent and reduce lead-based paint exposures and hazards. The EPA has undertaken several rulemaking efforts as required by the Title X - Residential Lead-Based Paint Hazard Reduction Act of 1992 to protect the public from the hazards of improperly conducted lead-based paint activities, and to ensure that the public receives information to prevent lead poisoning in homes that may contain lead-based paint or lead-based paint hazards.

To find out more about the National EPA Lead-Based Paint program, visit: http://www.epa.gov/opptintr/lead/index.html

The week of October 19 - 25, 2008 is National Lead Poisoning Prevention Week.

Download the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) "Is Your Child Safe from Lead Poisoning" podcast to your desktop and portable music/video player for health information at your convenience and on the go.

Download the CDC "Renovate Right: Prevent Lead Poisoning in Children" podcast.

Logo for National Lead Poisoning Prevention Week







For EPA's Training and Certification Program for Lead-Based Paint Activities in Target Housing and Child Occupied Facilities - Section 402/404

Information on the Federal Real Estate Notification Disclosure rule can be found at: http://www.epa.gov/pubs/lead/leadbase.htm


The Region 6 lead-based paint program will answer questions regarding various existing lead-based paint rules, and it will provide information on how to prevent or minimize exposures to lead-based paint hazards during home renovation projects, or lead-based paint abatement projects. Information on the requirements for the pre-renovation education rule can be found at:  http://www.epa.gov/lead/pubs/leadrenf.htm.

house need painting picture




Beginning on June 23, 2008, renovators will be required to distribute a lead hazard information pamphlet to the owners and administrators of child-occupied facilities before beginning renovations in these facilities. Renovators must also make renovation information available to the parents or guardians of children under age six that attend these facilities. The Lead Renovation, Repair and Painting Final Rule (PDF) (79 pp, 847K), published on April 22, 2008, amends and supplements the 1999 rule.

    Lead Safety During Renovation Brochure

Small Entity Compliance Guide

Small Entity Renovation Guide
34 pp, 2.5mb, About PDF)

    Renovate Right Brochure

State Lead Based Paint Contacts: Exit EPA

Arkansas Department of Environmental Quality (ADEQ) http://www.adeq.state.ar.us/air/asb_lead/lead.htm
Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality (LDEQ)  http://www.deq.louisiana.gov/protal/default.aspx?tabid=2251
Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality (ODEQ)  http://www.deq.state.ok.us/AQDnew/lbp/index.htm
Texas Department of Health  (TDH) 


Cherokee Nation of Oklahoma - Dept of Environmental Protection  http://www.cherokee.org/Services/Default.aspx

Federal Certification Program in New Mexico and Tribal Lands:

shower with pealing paint

EPA Region 6 currently implements the Federal lead-based paint activities certification program in New Mexico and in all Tribal Nations of EPA Region 6, except the Cherokee Nation of Oklahoma.  Find a Federally Accredited lead-based paint training providers, in your area, or search for firms who have received Federal certification to perform lead-based paint inspections, risk assessments, and abatements.

These listings only reflects those areas under the EPA Federal Lead-Based Paint Program (New Mexico, and all Tribal Lands under the jurisdiction of EPA Region 6). It does not include information relative to certifications issued by Region 6 States who have their own Lead-Based Paint Activities Training and Certification programs (Arkansas, Louisiana, Oklahoma, Texas, and the Cherokee Nation) which have been authorized by EPA. To obtain State certification information, please refer to the appropriate State Agency, as noted above.

Lead-Based Paint Training Providers
Lead-Based Paint Firms

To find out more about the Region 6 Lead-Based Paint Program, or applications on the Federal Lead certification program,  Contact: the Lead-Based Paint Program Staff at: (214) 665-7577 or eMail


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