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Wetland Protection Initiatives Environmental Protection Agency

In addition to the regulatory programs that are in place to protect wetlands, EPA has a variety of wetland protection initiatives.  These include:

Assessment Methodology

An EPA task force is drafting a Wetland Assessment Methodology designed for incorporation into State, Commonwealth, and Territory water quality reporting required under Clean Water Act Section 305b.  305b reporting requires annual assessment of the quality of the states' waters, the identification of factors contributing to water quality impairment, and proposed solutions for water quality improvement.  The Clean Water Act identifies wetlands as waters of the United States, and the Wetland Assessment Methodology will help states, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, and Territory of the Virgin Islands identify impaired wetlands and direct efforts to improve wetland quality in accord with 305(b) requirements. In Region 2 contact Mary Anne Thiesing (212) 637-3818.



Wetland Restoration is an essential tool in the campaign to protect, improve, and increase wetlands. Wetlands that have been filled and drained retain their characteristic soil and hydrology, allowing their natural functions to be reclaimed. Restoration is a complex process that requires planning, implementation, monitoring, and management. It involves renewing natural and historical wetlands that have been lost or degraded and reclaiming their functions and values as vital ecosystems. The Wetlands Protection Section is developing a database of wetland restoration efforts within Region 2 and supports restoration efforts through its grants programs.  The EPA Wetlands Division manages the Five Star Restoration Grant Program, a granting mechanism which assists restoration efforts among developing partnerships that include government agencies, organizations, and businesses.  In Region 2 contact Barbara Spinweber (212) 637-3812

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The National Academy of Sciences released a comprehensive analysis on the effectiveness of compensatory mitigation under Section 404 of the Clean Water Act in June 2001.  The document, Compensating for Wetlands Losses Under the Clean Water Act, makes recommendations for federal agencies and states on how to proceed with effective ecological replacement of wetland functions lost to authorized development activities. The study was sponsored by EPA, in cooperation with the Army Corps of Engineers, Fish and Wildlife Service, and the National Marine Fisheries Service.  In December 2002, EPA and the Corps announced the release of a comprehensive, interagency National Wetlands Mitigation Action Plan, as well as an improved Wetlands Mitigation Regulatory Guidance Letter, directing work towards achieving the goal of no net loss of wetlands.  EPA Region 2 is participating in the review and implementation of the Wetlands Mitigation Action Plan.  In Region 2 contact Mario Paula (212) 637-3819.


Outreach and education

EPA Region 2 has awarded a number of grants, both Wetland Program Development Grants and Wetland Protection Grants. Many of these grant awards have produced outreach components such as web page development, newsletters, posters and pamphlets. Also, EPA Region 2 has developed and continues to distribute a number of informational materials. EPA's Wetlands Education page, and an ancillary education page, provide reference to a variety of wetlands education resources. The  EPA  Wetlands Helpline, 1-800-832-7828, responds to inquiries on all wetland topics and also distributes informational materials. In Region 2 contact Kathleen Drake (212) 637-3817

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