
You Are In Bear Country

Aggressive bear behavior has been reported in the Grave Creek and Whisky Creek areas. Lots of bears were sighted in the summer of2004, on the Wild Rogue, Grave Creek to Foster Bar. Be sure to "bear-proof" your camp to keep the bears looking for their native food supply rather than human food. Bears have been reported, summer and fall, trying to get into boater's coolers in the Grave Creek Falls, Whisky Creek, and Rum Creek areas. Please keep your camps clean and secure your food and garbage.

Black Bears at Rogue River
Black Bears at Rogue River

The black bear, found throughout the Rogue River canyon, varies in color from cinnamon to black. They generally weigh between 100 and 300 pounds and stand about 3 feet tall at the shoulder. It can be a great experience to see a black bear on the Rogue, but at a safe distance. A keen sense of smell enables bears to sniff out food you may have in camp. You are most likely to be visited by a bear in the early morning or late evening. Bears have poor eyesight, so make sure they can hear you so your encounter is not too close!

If you have a problem with a bear on the Rogue River, please take the time to fill out a Bear Observation Form (PDF) so the managing agencies are aware of the problem and can initiate solutions. Whether there are problems with bears in the Rogue River canyon, or not, you should always secure your food and garbage at night to discourage pests from raiding your camp.

Feeding bears or allowing them access to human food can create problems

Black Bears Bears lose their instinctive fear of humans.
Black Bears Nuisance bears can be unpredictable and dangerous when they encounter humans.
Black Bears Nuisance bears can damage property and injure people.
Black Bears Relocation efforts are usually unsuccessful so nuisance bears may be destroyed.

A Fed Bear is a Dead Bear

Black Bears Keep a clean camp and take food scraps and grease with you when you leave.
Black Bears Do not cook or store food in or near your tent. Odors may attract bears.
Black Bears Boaters, don't leave food or garbage in your boat, even if the boat is anchored offshore. Rafts have been punctured from bears climbing into them.
Black Bears Never feed or approach a bear! To avoid an unsafe encounter, before a bear gets too close, clap your hands, bang pots together, or throw objects at it from a safe distance to scare it away.

Secure all food, garbage, and toiletries by one of the following:

Food Hoists

Food Hoists - Located at Blossom Bar, Brushy Bar (2 hoists), Tate Creek, and Camp Tacoma.

Electric Fences

Electric Fences - Located at Upper, Middle, and Lower Half Moon Bar; Brushy Bar; Upper and Lower Solitude; Upper and Lower Tate Creek; and Upper, Middle, and Lower Camp Tacoma.

Bear Proof Boxes

Bear Proof Boxes - Located at Blossom Bar, Brushy Bar, and Camp Tacoma.

Boaters should put coolers, dry boxes, and garbage in the fenced areas for overnight storage. Hikers should store food and garbage in fenced areas, bear proof boxes, or up a food hoist. One of the Brushy Bar food hoists is by the middle toilet and the other is at the downriver end of Brushy Bar. If everyone takes the proper precautions in keeping a clean, bear-tight camp bears might stick to their own healthy diet and leave people food and gear alone.

Other Ideas to Bear-Proof Your Camp

  • Wipe off your coolers with ammonia or bleach. Put open containers of ammonia on top of coolers and then cover the ammonia with a tarp. Covering the ammonia with a tarp has had better success in getting rid of bears than when the ammonia wasn't covered with a tarp.
  • Stack and strap coolers and other food containers together to make a mountain of objects that would be difficult to get into or move. Place cans or pots and pans/noise makers on top of your stack of containers.
  • Leave a lantern burning on top of your cooler.
  • Suspend garbage or food between two trees or hang it from a limb. It should hang 10 feet above ground and 6 feet from the tree trunk.

Other Ideas to Bear-Proof Your Camp

  • Don't get between a sow and her cub! Mother bears are very protective of their young. Watch them from a distance.
  • Don't challenge a bear!
  • If you meet a bear, stay calm. The bear may decide to challenge you by stamping its feet, clacking its teeth and wolfing. If this happens, slowly back away from the bear and leave. Don't turn and run; the bear may run after you.
  • Dogs and bears don't mix.
  • It is safest to leave your dog at home when traveling in bear country. If you take pets, keep them leashed.
  • Remember, this is their home and you are the visitor.

Help Keep the Wild Rogue Bears Wild

Report bear incidents and encounters to:

Mike Miller
Gold Beach Ranger District
29279 Ellensburg Avenue
Gold Beach, OR 97444
or fill out a Bear Observation Form (PDF)