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Environmental Education and Youth Programs

EPA provides national leadership increasing environmental literacy. The National Environmental Education Act of 1990 Act encourages partnerships and builds upon longstanding efforts conducted in the environmental education field by federal and state agencies, educational institutions, non-profit organizations and the private sector. To implement the Act, EPA's Environmental Education Division in Washington, DC, with support from environmental education coordinators in the 10 Regional EPA offices, has developed the following mission and goals:


To advance and support education efforts to develop an environmentally conscious and responsible public, and to inspire in all individuals a sense of personal responsibility for the care of the environment.


EPA's regional commitment to environmental protection includes providing educational services for educators, students, youth groups and community or environmental organizations. EPA offers educational materials and programs to formal and non-formal educators supporting their efforts to educate the public about the environment. Grants, workshops, classroom visits, publications and teaching aids are available. There is no charge for these materials and services.

Teacher Workshops

EPA provides workshops to help educators incorporate environmental education into their educational programs. These workshops include an introduction to environmental education and hands-on experience with EPA's educational materials. EPA can conduct workshops at professional days, educational meetings and school or district meetings.

For more information, send us an e-mail or call: 212-637-3674.

Classroom Visits

Agency specialists are available to make classroom presentations on a variety of topics including: water, air, waste management, Superfund (abandoned hazardous waste site cleanups) and environmental careers.

For information about classroom visits, send us an e-mail or call: 212-637-3674.

President's Environmental Youth Awards Program

Young people can participate in the President's Environmental Youth Awards (PEYA) program. Students, working either individually or collectively as a class, have an opportunity to plan and carry out environmental improvement activities in their communities.

All participants receive a certificate of participation. Each regional winner receives national recognition. In addition, EPA recognizes the top three regional projects as part of its annual Environmental Quality Awards Ceremony each year.

For President's Environmental Youth Award information, send us an e-mail or call: 212-637-3678.


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