Historic Sites

Whisky Creek Cabin

Whisky Creek Cabin is one of the few remaining relics of the Rogue River gold rush era. Others have fallen victim to vandalism and the ravages of time. The cabin and surrounding area remains isolated and inaccessible except by river or trail, much like it was when early pioneers first inhabited the area.

In 1973, the Bureau of Land Management purchased the deed to the cabin. Today, Whisky Creek Cabin is on the National Register of Historic Places. It is the oldest known mining cabin, still standing, in the remote lower Rogue River canyon. more>>

Rand National Historic Site

The Rand National Historic Site is located in southwestern Oregon approximately 25 miles northwest of Grants Pass, Oregon, and 3 miles downstream from the community of Galice. Rand is located on a terrace on the west side of the Rogue National Wild and Scenic River in steep, mountainous country with elevations ranging from 700 feet at the river's edge to 4,000 feet on nearby peaks.

View the Rand National Historic Site (PDF).

Rogue River Ranch

Rogue River Ranch National Historic Site is located in southwestern Oregon approximately 75 miles northwest of the city of Grants Pass. The ranch is at the mouth of Mule Creek and nestled in the heart of the Rogue National Wild and Scenic River's wild section. more>>

View the Rogue River Ranch (PDF).