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Welcome to the Conference of Churches

The Conference of Churches has a mission to "achieve social justice for all people through faith-based leadership, education, advocacy and partnerships." Through the engagement of our volunteer network, we empower people living in poverty and distressed neighborhoods through education and economic development. 

The Conference’s health building programs include: The Health Ministry Network which develops health programs and health ministers in local congregations; The Women’s Healthy Heart Initiative, in partnership with St. Francis Hospital to provide health education about the risk of heart disease and preventive care; and Universal Health Care Outreach and Education to make sure all people have equal access to health care.  

The wealth building, or asset building programs include: The Fatherhood Support Program: a holistic case management program which supports and re-engages non-custodial fathers in the lives of their children so they can economically provide for their families; and the Young Entrepreneurs program which helps young adults gain the skills needed to sustain themselves through micro enterprises.

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