
Pollution Prevention Resources

EPA Region 2 Resources
EPA Headquarters Resources
Region 2 State Environmental Agency Resources Exit EPA disclaimer
Regional and National Resources

EPA Region 2 Sectors and Projects
A collection of assistance efforts for selected business and government sectors (e.g., hospitals, metal finishers, printers) and issues (e.g., storm water) in Region 2.

Compliance Assistance and Pollution Prevention Program
A variety of projects and resources to help the regulated community meet legal obligations and find cost-effective ways to go “beyond compliance.”

Environmental Management Systems
A program to help organizations operate with greater efficiency, maintain and go beyond compliance, and improve environmental performance.

EPA Headquarters P2 Page
A primary source of information on P2 policy, grants, projects, resources, and contacts.

EPA Headquarters Office of Solid Waste
A listing of tools, resources, and voluntary programs designed to help businesses, government agencies, and communities reduce waste.

Green Building
Includes information on recycled construction material, building material reuse centers, green building case studies, and recommended web sites.

Technology Connection
The Environmental Technology Opportunities Portal (ETOP) links you to programs that help fund development of new environmental technologies and offers information on existing environmental technologies. EPA offers several programs to assist the public and private sectors in developing and commercializing new environmental technologies.

The following links to state P2 programs provide information about events, publications, contacts, and programs:

New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP)

New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC)

Puerto Rico Junta de Calidad Ambiental (JCA)

US Virgin Islands

Northeast Waste Management Officials’ Association (NEWMOA)
This interstate organization’s pollution prevention program promotes collaboration among EPA and state programs (New England, New Jersey, and New York) through training, research, projects, policy, tool development, and databases.

Pacific Northwest Pollution Prevention Resource Center (PPRC)
A non-profit organization that works with business, government, non-government organizations, and other sectors to promote pollution prevention.

Waste Reduction Resource Center (WRRC)
A multi-state organization serving EPA Regions III and IV that provides technical pollution prevention information and training.

National Pollution Prevention Roundtable
The largest membership organization in the United States devoted to pollution prevention (P2).
P2 Information Databases and Clearinghouses
Sector Specific Tools
P2 Newsletters and Listings
P2 Listserves
P2 Resource Exchange (P2RX)
A national network of regional information centers that offer peer-reviewed P2 information organized into dozens of web-based topic hubs.

A searchable guide to P2 resources on the Internet, including databases, directories, case studies, newsletters, and P2 websites.

EPA Pollution Prevention Information Clearinghouse (PPIC) (EPA HQ)
A free, nonregulatory service of the U.S. EPA through which visitors can order hardcopy and downloadable P2 documents.

NEWMOA P2 Program Directory Database
A searchable directory of P2 contact information for state programs, areas of expertise, and types of services in Region 2, New Jersey, and New York.

NEWMOA P2 Activities Database
A searchable database of state and local environmental assistance program activities in the Northeast.

EPA Region 2 Sectors and Projects
A collection of assistance efforts for selected business and government sectors (e.g., hospitals, metal finishers, printers) and issues (e.g., storm water) in Region 2.

Compliance Assistance Centers
A source of compliance assistance and P2 information for agriculture, auto repair, chemical, printing, transportation, metal finishing, painting and coating, federal facilities, and other sectors.

Sector STAR
A website that locates state-specific compliance and pollution prevention information for several key industry sectors.

EPA’s Sector Notebook (EPA HQ)
A list of 30 profiles on major industry sectors that feature information on pollutant releases, regulatory compliance, and pollution prevention opportunities.

MEYER Guide:  For the Construction Industry
A planning guide covering environmental areas that relate to the construction and development process including checklists and case studies; stormwater issues; and regulations.

Northeast States Pollution Prevention News
A newsletter published by the Northeast Waste Management Officials’ Association (NEWMOA) that summarizes P2 activities in Northeast states.

Pollution Prevention Northwest
A newsletter published by the Pacific Northwest Pollution Prevention Resource Center (PPRC) that focuses in depth on one of a variety of P2 and sustainability topics.

Clearwaters Magazine
The New York Water Environment Association, Inc. (NYWEA)
publishes this quarterly technical magazine and it contains articles on environmental issues, regulatory changes, technological advances as well as, updates on members and activities.
A discussion of technical P2 topics. The website includes an archive of postings.

A discussion of environmental purchasing issues. An archive of postings is available to listserve members.

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