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IT Investment Management

Investment Review Board

Barbara Scott
(202) 708-8177
Ralph Strenglein
(202) 205-2477

The Investment Review Board (formerly the Information Technology Investment Review Board) was chartered in 1997 to ensure that all major information systems investments were mission-justified, sound, and approved for funding only after careful and systematic review.

The board serves as the executive decision making body in the Department of Education's capital planning and investment control process for information resources, forwarding decisions to the Secretary for approval. Capital planning and investment control provides an integrated management process for the continuous selection, control, and evaluation of information resources (IR) investments over their life cycles. It is focused on balancing IR investment risks and returns, and ensuring IR investments achieve desired outcomes.

The board co-chairpersons are the Deputy Secretary and Under Secretary. The board members are:

  • Deputy Secretary
  • Under Secretary
  • General Counsel
  • Inspector General
  • Budget Service Director
  • Director for Planning and Evaluation Services
  • Assistant Secretary for Intergovernmental and Interagency Affairs
  • Assistant Secretary for Legislative and Congressional Affairs
  • Director of Management
  • Chief Information Officer
  • Chief Financial Officer
  • Director of the Contracts and Purchasing Office
  • Chief Operating Officer for Student Financial Assistance
  • Assistant Secretary for Postsecondary Education
  • Assistant Secretary for Elementary and Secondary Education
  • Assistant Secretary for Bilingual Education and Minority Languages Affairs
  • Assistant Secretary for Education Research and Improvement
  • Commissioner for the National Center for Education Statistics
  • Assistant Secretary for Special Education and Rehabilitative Services
  • Assistant Secretary for Vocational and Adult Education
  • Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights
  • Union President

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This page last modified: January 31, 2003 [ge]