U.S. Department of Education: Promoting Educational Excellence for all Americans
Inside Budget Summary
and Background Information
Summary of the 2004 Education Budget
Elementary and Secondary Education
Special Education and Rehabilitative Services
Vocational and Adult Education
Student Financial Assistance
Higher Education Programs
Institute of Education Sciences
Programs Proposed for Elimination
Departmental Management
Appendix 1
Appendix 2 PDF Icon Excel
Fiscal Year 2004 Budget Summary and Background Information
February 3, 2003

Archived  Information

II. C.  Vocational and Adult Education


Programs in the Vocational and Adult Education account, as they are currently configured, provide formula grants to States to further State and community efforts to improve vocational education programs and adult education and literacy systems. With the exception of two literacy programs for incarcerated youth and adults, all programs in this account are subject to reauthorization in 2004.

The fiscal year 2004 budget request of $1.591 billion for this account supports the Administration's reauthorization strategy to reshape the Federal investment in education for the workforce and intensify the focus on adult literacy skills. A proposed new Secondary and Technical Education program would shift from providing traditional vocational education to an entirely new focus on supporting academic achievement at the high school level and on providing high-quality technical education at the community college level that is coordinated with local high schools. It would also promote stronger accountability for results by linking grantee funding to success in achieving student outcomes. Funding in this account would provide States, local educational agencies, community colleges, and schools with the resources to strengthen academic and technical education at the secondary and postsecondary levels. Also, proposed amendments to the adult education programs would strengthen local accountability for improved instruction in reading, mathematics, and English literacy.

Vocational Education (Secondary and Technical Education)
(B.A. in millions)

  2002 2003
Secondary and Technical Education
  State Grants
Vocational Education State Grants $1,180.0 $1,180.0
Tech-Prep Education State Grants 108.0 108.0
Tech-Prep Demonstration 5.0
National Programs 12.0 12.0
Occupational and Employment Information 9.5



The Administration's reauthorization strategy would create a coordinated high school and technical education improvement program, Secondary and Technical Education State Grants, to replace of the current Vocational Education State Grants. The $1 billion request for this new program would support and extend the achievement and accountability goals of Title I of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) by requiring States and school districts to focus more intensively on improving student outcomes, such as academic achievement, and ensuring that students are being taught the necessary skills to make successful transitions from high school to college and college to the workforce. States would use formula allocations to make competitive grants to local educational agencies and community and technical colleges and to carry out State-level activities. In addition, to help facilitate coordination with ESEA Title I and enhance flexibility in how Federal funds are used to achieve positive student outcomes, States would have the option to transfer funds to support education-related activities under the Title I Grants to Local Educational Agencies program.

No funds are requested for most current vocational education programs, including National Programs, Occupational and Employment Information, Tech-Prep State Grants, and the Tech-Prep Demonstration. Although currently authorized under the Perkins Act, the Department is requesting funds for the Tribally Controlled Postsecondary Vocational and Technical Institutions program in the Higher Education account.

Adult Education (Adult Basic and Literacy Education)
(B.A. in millions)

  2002 2003
Adult Basic and Literacy Education
  State Grants
Adult Education State Grants $575.0 $575.0
National Institute for Literacy 6.6 6.6 6.7
National Leadership Activities 9.5 9.5



The Administration plans to propose amendments for the reauthorization of the Adult Education and Family Literacy Act to increase the focus on building stronger skills in basic reading, math, and English acquisition for adults who need to strengthen weak literacy skills or want to earn their high school diploma or its recognized equivalent (the GED). Among other things, proposed amendments would revise current accountability provisions, add a new State requirement for developing and implementing educational standards for adult literacy activities leading to high school-level proficiency, require that teachers be trained in the use of research-validated instructional practices in reading, math and English fluency, and strengthen provisions for employer partnerships and for the participation of community- and faith-based organizations in the program.

The request includes $6.7 million for the National Institute for Literacy, with the expectation that new authorizing legislation would continue support for its communication, capacity-building, and policy analysis activities. No funds are requested under the current, separate National Leadership Activities authority. The reauthorization strategy will address national activities, including technical assistance and evaluation, as part of the proposed State Grants program.

Special Education and Rehabilitative Services Table of contents Student Financial Assistance

For further information contact the ED Budget Service.

This page last modified—September 15, 2006 (jer).

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